Aquarian Planetary Parade
Aquarius New Moon, Pluto in Aquarius Molly Curtis Aquarius New Moon, Pluto in Aquarius Molly Curtis

Aquarian Planetary Parade

The water-bearer’s vessel overflows with planetary pressure. Sun, Moon and a multitude of planets are building and swirling in the sign of Aquarius, complemented by a New Moon February 9th.

Any planet currently joining Pluto isn’t exactly light and easy, but it is also the first time since the late 1700’s they joined the underworld lord in the sign of Aquarius. This is a point of observation and study, it will lend hints to what exactly we will be encountering as individuals and/or collective in the next 20 years during Pluto’s extended stay. The 3 personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars parading into Aquarius are very much directed to us individually, and if we have any personal planets aspecting these transits, the volume may be turned up full blast. These transits are all adding to collective compost soup could enrichen and enliven the soil. It is up to us to filter out the waste that is antithetical to future life.

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