Taurus I- 0-9 Degrees
5 of Pentacles-Lord of Worry
Taurus season opens up to both luminaries squaring Pluto, and Mercury turning retrograde. Taurus season, ruled by beloved Venus, is a point where the light has returned, optimism and hope is high. The shadow to hope is anxiety and fear to getting everything properly started, making sure it is correct in exchange for fruitful rewards. Like most gardens during the early spring season, they are slow to show signs of real growth. A sprout here, a tulip there, but any gardener knows patience is required to really see early hardwork’s progress.
I planted seeds just under two weeks ago, and I am still patiently awaiting the germination of sprouts!! I must have faith and patience, and know that even though I cannot see life forming, it is. Taurus is a fixed earth sign, and once the garden gets established, days are more consistent, it has all the potential to be consistenly producing.
One can get overwhelmed by the anxiety of getting everything correct or doing enough in a certain window of time. This is the first decan of Taurus, Lord of Worry. This decan is ruled by Mercury who likes to measure and parse everything out. Mercury worries about the little details of Venus’ creation. April 21st, Mercury turns retrograde and will want to pull apart every detail and look it over. Use this time wisely, know when to revise but also when to chill. This period currently falls between two eclipses, so go easy on yourself.
The tarot associated is the 5 of Pentacles, and is associated with material wealth, but the figures are out in the cold in front of what looks to be a church. This is just as much about spiritual deprivation as it is material.
What is your relationship to faith and trust in a higher power? Trusting the process, trusting your God, both come from similar places and both require unseen faith. Trusting too much in the material can also negate your focus on the spiritual. Can we bridge the two worlds with the input of Hermes, after all Mercury does know how to walk in both planes.
The next decan that follows give us that fixed hope and optimism that both Taurus and Venus are capable of giving, the Lord of Success. So hang in there this eclipse season and enjoy the wonders and gifts of a warming spring and returning light. The wheel always keeps on spinning, and fortune is always turning, remember the key is to remain centered and grounded in the fixed earth.