Venus in Taurus: The Hostess with the Mostess

Venus entered her home sign of earthy Taurus, on May 28th and will remain in her domain until June 22nd.  In her home sign, Venus can fully express her Venusian character, harmonizing, loving, creating. This is a period where you may be feeling the need to connect with friends, or take a relationship to another level. There may an inner internal boost to socialize, create, love. Venus in Taurus seeks nourishment through the food we eat and the relationships we cultivate.  This is a Mother Earth type of energy, both Venus and Taurus embodying feminine, yin energy. Think of her as the hostess with the mostess, providing the accomodations you crave.

From my office window, I have been observing a robin’s nest. The dutiful parents created it in a Mother’s Day hanging plant I received, the symbolism is not lost on me. The eggs hatched just days ago, and the interplay between the mother and father robin is Venus embodied. Taking turns guarding the babies and bringing nourishment to the nest, all in a very Venusian environment of beautiful budding flowers

I have felt Venus coursing through many other veins in my life. Creative inspiration has been running high, translating into an influx of fiber arts projects, launching my new website and blog, and a rush of business ideas that keeping flowing forth. I have found myself more on the trails as of late, listening to the rising summer chorus.  My husband and I have been enjoying more time together, and the amount of socialization with friends has been obvious. Many nights, I have been choosing my record player over the television and letting the music fill the room and be center stage.

Venus will join Uranus at 16 degrees on Saturday, June 10th, yet this energy can be felt already. Experienced as sudden rush of creative inspiration or an overwhelming desire to change your look. Perhaps an old flame suddenly reappears, a friendship is rekindled, or you meet the special someone unexpectedly.

Have you felt the rise of Venus in your own life? How has she been expressing herself? What suddenly appeared in your life that added nourishment, creativity or unexpected love?


The Psychopomp and God of the Underworld…


Checks and balances…