06.05.23 Moon Tracks

Planetary moves are being made this week, starting to set the summer stage.

The morning of June 5th, Venus steps into regal Leo. Leo, fixed fire, temple of the Sun, radiates great warmth, courage, endurance, and confidence. Venus is ready to set up camp here in the summer sun, but this queen demands only the sweetest of luxuries, not any tent will do. Aphrodite drives up to the lions den in a luxury camper. Full on glamping, her bar is raised high, running water, real walls, and wi-fi. Venus is here in the Sun’s temple all sweet summer long, rolling right into early fall, ready to direct all eyes on her and encourage with great passion. She pulls out of the lions den and into Virgo on October 8th.

Yet it won’t be all solar fairy lights and margaritas for this lavish queen. Venus will disappear into her retrograde later this summer where she will be void for 40 days and 40 nights. It is this first move into Leo, and her immediate opposition with Pluto, that nods to our own Leo sector of our birth chart and observe what is coming up around the 5th. What surfaces around then may give clues to our own Venus retrograde story. Venus opposing Pluto, a quick transit, can set the stage for the next couple months. Concepts around personal self-worth, self-love, and deeper psychic wounds may tone this day and the retrograde to come.

Overall, Venus presence in Leo may spark creative impulses, an urge to shine brightly and take center stage. Venus in Leo is a warm, positive, and kind energy. Her presence in the Sun’s temple has a thread that runs through the concepts of self-worth, ego, and personal identity. It may challenge how we see ourselves, see others, and what we value. She is now present with Mars in the temple of the Sun, which makes both the environment very hot and dry, Venus has a more humid presence. Mars and Venus want to two very different things, Mars wanting separation and independence, and Venus seeking harmony, creative solutions and unification. You may find yourself craving more attention, but at what cost? Venus is up against a lot of heat, and when she retrogrades, she may be suffering from her own bruised ego, depletion in self-confidence, dehydration of resources, overspending or over-exertion in general. As Venus goes through her own transformation and rebirth from evening to morning star, we may just find ourselves experiencing this as well. We will cover these periods in the near future as the transits approach.

The Moon on the 7th moves into collective Aquarius and is met by the Underlord King Pluto. The Moon is currently dying as she sets herself up on the 8th in the Waning Gibbous phase, a dimming of light, pausing and dispersing the cycles gains with those who wish to accept. As she meets with Pluto and then squares Uranus, what buried information still needs to be revealed? Up from the underground, electricfying treasures breakthrough.

The Moon on the 9th swims into Pisces and her first aspect is to Jupiter, Pisces lord. This is a nice space for the Moon, even when she conjuncts Saturn, it is here in Pisces she forms her last quarter phase. When the Moon joins Saturn, Mercury in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces also aspect one another through a sextile. Last Quarter Moon culiminates on the 10th, and the very next lunar aspect is a conjunction to Neptune on the 11th. 

All of this watery activity makes me think that whatever we have been working on sorting out, setting boundaries with, we find a deeper spiritual lesson through all this discerning work. We know we have had to filter out the toxic water from our environment, but sometimes when we haul out the excess, the tide brings in more. This period feels like a spiritual seawall has been built, and the water laps nicely against the cool rock, at least for now the tide is contained. 

Contaiment is good because Pluto re-enters the earth sign of Capricorn, also on the 11th. A return and a wrap up to the story that began in 2008. Pluto heads back into the seagoats temple, and will remain climbing back down the mountain to observe the final work of Hades. In your chart, the sector Capricorn rules, since 2008 there has been ongoing major renovations and Pluto’s return asks, how is it going? Are we happy with the redesign, do we need to change the color of paint, replace the carpet with a more sustainable surface? Pluto has had time in forward-moving Aquarius and returns with a dose of futuristic knowledge, maybe we want to update the temple to align it with where we are going and even put this area on auto-pilot for the next few years? Pluto will be here until January 20, 2024, plenty of time to wrap up the work that begun and move it forward in a more self-reliant and progressive nature.

The 11th is no doubt busy.  Mercury moves into his own home of Gemini immediately after trining Pluto, the Moon enters fiery Aries, and Venus in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus. A lot of transition in the heavens. If you are feeling unsteady today, let the ground shift under your feet, but find your center of gravity for stabilization. 

A quick footed Mercury dives quickly into Pluto, the underworld, from the last degree of Taurus, 29.59. An anaretic degree highlighting a falling away from what has been, Mercury and Pluto in conversation may ask what do we need to finish, what important information do you possess that you can use to wrap things up?

Mercury’s movement into Gemini is positive, especially when it comes to our social lives and interests. With Mercury returning to its home, we may find ourselves naturally feeling more outgoing, social, talkative, innovative. Take advantage of this period to reach out to old friends or groups you lost touch with, go see a concert, start a new hobby. 

Venus’s square with Jupiter, albeit a square, isn’t too negative since it is aspecting another benefic in Venus’ home sign. Venus may just be compassionately checking in to the progress of Taurus. Remember, Jupiter is just degrees away from the last conjunction with the North Node, and when the lord of Taurus, Venus, squares Jupiter, this is a check to the ego and perhaps a realignment of goals versus desire. Jupiter can make Venus louder and larger, and this may be in a more egoic nature. There may be a tendency around this period to want to be heard, seen, individuate in a more creative nature. This transit may lend creative encouragement, but can also color one with self-arrogance. Walk the line carefully, and use it to your advantage if you are needing a little creative nudge.

At the end of the day, the Moon trine’s Venus from Jupiter’s home sign, this is positive. It is a quiet, loving prayer sent up to the heavens, asking to bless whatever we are manifesting with good fortune. Be sure to carve out a little personal, devotional time this evening and send your prayers out to the divine.


06.12.23 Moon Tracks


5.29.23 Moon Tracks