5.29.23 Moon Tracks

“Yes, it seems the stars never stop cycling through one transit to another. It is true, they don’t. Writing these weekly muses, one theme keeps pushing forward within the transits, filteration. Ground your vison and grow it in a nurturing environmnent that feeds your physical and spiritual body. This year is asking us to filter out the unnecessary toxins that drag us down on all levels, and to clear the fields for sustainable nourishment. Pull those weeds.”

This First Quarter Moon grows in light and as she reaches her waxing gibbous phase in Libra, she makes pleasant aspects to both Pluto and Mars when she enters the mediator’s temple, Libra. The Moon’s ability to negotiate slightly increases when in Libra, the sign of the scales. Here in Venus’ rulership, she seeks solutions, compromises, pathways through. Solution seeking may be connected to both the Pluto*Mars opposition and the Saturn*Sun square from the last week. What surfaced from subterranean depths may now be easier to negotiate.Mature decisions, care and concern, values are easier to grasp.

Via Combusta translated in Latin, “Burning or Fiery Way”, the Moon and the Sun have a hard time along this road from 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio.

The Moon’s aspect to both Pluto and Mars is more favorable than her entrance into Scorpio, where Luna struggles overall. This path through later degrees of Libra into Scorpio, especially along the burned path of the Moon, aka Via Combusta, is the most challenging for her. Via Combusta translated in Latin, “Burning or Fiery Way”, the Moon and the Sun have a hard time along this road from estimated 15 degrees Libra to 15 degrees Scorpio (there is discrepancy amongst the degrees). One theory is that the Sun in Libra is in his fall (depleted with lack of resources) and the Moon in Scorpio is also in her fall, and we have both malefics (Saturn and Mars) with increased management over the two signs. Ancient astrologers warned against manifesting when the Moon was Via Combusta, for the resources were just not there to assist.

The Scorpio Moon will square Pluto and Mars at 8 degrees, and oppose Jupiter at 3 deg as Jupiter conjuncts the North Node. This is quite the challenge for Luna, expect from May 31st until late in the evening of June 1st to encounter more rocky terrain, especially in the Scorpio aspect of your chart. Even though you may of seen a mature solution to what is inciting deeper wells of emotion or control, these two days ask to step back, do nothing and look out for further inflammation. Consider it a pause and a reflection to the original negotiation.

Jupiter with the North Node is an exponential hit, and we can use this to our advantage to feed what we really want to take off.” 

Jupiter will conjunct the North Node in Taurus, once again asking us what are we growing and are we certain we want to keep fertilizing these specific areas in our life. With the Moon in such a challenging position, this may be a day that asks us to further reflect on the darker aspects of what our shadow self is seeding. Jupiter with the North Node is an exponential hit, and we can use this to our advantage to feed what we really want to take off. Jupiter the planet of wisdom and good fortune wants to provide the right path, philosophy and sustenance.

Venus has a high seat in the sign of Pisces and this makes her trine aspect to Neptune quite favorable with a creative, spiritual undertone.”

On June 2nd, Venus in Cancer is aspecting Neptune in Pisces by a trine, which is a sweet blessing from Jupiter. Venus has a high seat in the sign of Pisces and this makes her trine aspect to Neptune quite favorable with a creative, spiritual undertone. Now is the time to pray on those lofty dreams you are trying to launch. Increased spiritual awareness, psychic energy, and maternal nurturing is on the rise on June 2nd. You may be an open channel, so just be cautious of how far you open your soul’scenter too and to whom.

If at the start of this Moon cycle, you were searching for greater freedom in your own environment, or a greater sense of control around what and who you bring in to share this space, this Full Moon is high time to double down and stick to your guns.

As Jupiter begins to separate from the North Node, the Moon reaches her fullest illumination in Sagittarius on June 3rd. This Full Moon in Jupiter’s fiery temple, is in the second decan of Sagittarius. Jupiter has just joined the North Node, which amplifies Jupiter’s powers of expansion, growth, opportunities and blessings. This decan is ruled by the Moon, and with the Moon growing to her greatest light, this amplifies ones need to move, grow, and be unrestricted. If at the start of this Moon cycle, you were searching for greater freedom in your own environment, or a greater sense of control around what and who you bring in to share this space, this Full Moon is high time to double down and stick to your guns. 

Jupiter will continue to grow whatever you are striving towards in the Taurus aspect of your birth chart. For me, it is my 9th house of higher learning, growing wisdom, philosophy, spirituality and travel. Literally on the day Jupiter entered by 9th house, two different mentors entered my life, both educating me on two separate passions, running and esoteric matters. I look forward to how this sector of my chart grows for the next year with Jupiter’s presence. 

This Full Moon in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, may bring to light even further what I need to do on a very personal level, and how it relates to my home and routine to incorporate this incoming wisdom, how to make space for it. Sagittarius is my 4th house, it relates to home and family, my private life behind closed doors, ancestors, parents, physical home. It will take restructuring of my own home schedule, work schedule, and training schedule. I imagine I will be sorting out the details to maximize the greatest efficiency in all areas to not make me feel too restricted and confined. I imagine a greater illumination of how to proceed manifests around June 3rd.

“On a personal level, this transit may bring clear headed, sharp thinking, breakthroughs around challenging problems, and innovation.”

On the heels of this Full Moon, Mercury meets Uranus in Taurus at the 20th degree. Shocking revelations may unfold, new concepts for forward thinking technology may surface. Mercury rules communication, the markets, trade and commerce, astrology, medicine, the mind and ideas. Uranus is the future, the ground shaker, the great destabilizer, the technology that pushes us forward, the concepts that unravel old ideologies. Mercury and Uranus walking together can really increase mental stimulation, and if you are prone to anxiety, this could be amplified. When Mercury hits the exact degree of Uranus, markets may dramatically shift especially around agriculture and food, medicine, financial institutions. Perhaps hidden trades come to light, banks closing, instability around food processing plants and transportation that moves it.

On the light aspect of the transit, collectively, expect unique breakthroughs on the technological side especially around concepts of farming or land use, increased and new conversations around ethical use of tech, and expanding philosophies related to man’s relation to land and technology. On a personal level, this transit may bring clear headed, sharp thinking, breakthroughs around challenging problems, and innovation.

Yes, it seems the stars never stop cycling through one transit to another. It is true, they don’t. Writing these weekly muses, one theme keeps pushing forward within the transits, filteration. Ground your vison and grow it in a nurturing environmnent that feeds your physical and spiritual body. This year is asking us to filter out the unnecessary toxins that drag us down on all levels, and to clear the fields for sustainable nourishment. Pull those weeds.


06.05.23 Moon Tracks


5.22.23 Moon Tracks