Planetary Apothecary:     An  Eclipsing Opposition
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

Planetary Apothecary: An Eclipsing Opposition

October 28th, we have the final lunar eclipse along the Taurus*Scorpio axis at 5 degrees in Taurus. This will be a partial lunar eclipse, blotting out the full Moon partially, nonetheless potent and important to a nearly 2-year storyline of this specific eclipse cycle.

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5.29.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

5.29.23 Moon Tracks

“Yes, it seems the stars never stop cycling through one transit to another. It is true, they don’t. Writing these weekly muses, one theme keeps pushing forward within the transits, filteration. Ground your vison and grow it in a nurturing environmnent that feeds your physical and spiritual body. This year is asking us to filter out the unnecessary toxins that drag us down on all levels, and to clear the fields for sustainable nourishment. Pull those weeds.”

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4.17.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

4.17.23 Moon Tracks

Depending on your location, a hybrid Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries will occur on the 19th or 20th. This is followed quickly by both luminaries squaring Pluto and a Mercury retrograde.

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4.10.23 Moon-day Musing
Jupiter Cazimi Molly Curtis Jupiter Cazimi Molly Curtis

4.10.23 Moon-day Musing

This new cycle of Jupiter, as he begins to depart from Aries and heads towards Taurus, we are preparing our own next phase of life. This phase will ask us for endurance, honesty, compassion, and even a little salt of the earth humility. A fresh Jupiter brings in new faith, generous charity, and expansive optimism. Just as the trees are bearing buds in the northern hemisphere, we open our windows and let the fresh spring air move the stale winter fog.

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2.27.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

2.27.23 Moon Tracks

“In your life, reflect on where has the medicine be needed. We have been considering the areas starving for nutrients for some time now, and what places have been oversaturated. Now is the point in the lunar cycle to administer the medicine that can best serve you and assist in establishing a richer root system.

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