5.22.23 Moon Tracks

There is an ongoing aspect in the sky that began last week and is still unfolding. On May 20th, Mars opposed Pluto. Asserting power, will and even possibly dominance. Mars, the planet of waging change, possibly through brute force or intimidation, will square off with Jupiter late on 22nd here in the mid-western States. This energy will be felt into the 23rd as well, and will begin to wane as the week presses on.

This square aspect, is really Jupiter’s arms stretched out wide pressing against both Pluto and Mars who equally rest at his fingers, maybe even his will. Jupiter is seeking compromise in a hostile environment. Jupiter is the negotiator to a stand-off that has trouble finding common ground.

What has been stirred up may not be nor should it be buried again. Yet how do we cope? What is the path through. Jupiter seeks real world solutions from the temple of Venus. Together, both benefics look to appease, compromise is not out of the question.

The Moon traces the steps of the Mars/Pluto/Jupiter story saga throughout this week. On the 24th, Luna aspects all the players in this game, the last a conjunction to Mars. The solution is our reaction, our power, our energy. I love this one quote I see often on social media, “Growth is stepping over the things you used to trip on.” Can we learn this, can we hurdle over the issues that once incited us, overwhelmed our mind, inflamed our hearts?

Mars and Jupiter squaring off pushes our inner power to a place that may want to keep pushing forward. It is fantastic energy for tapping into courageous motivation and proceeding forward with risky moves. Be careful about moving too fast, exercising too hard, and any activity that has a dose of danger. 

First Quarter Moon in Virgo transpires on May 27th, this is the home of Mercury, and Mercury is still in Taurus. There is an earthy connection between the New Moon in Taurus, and its First Quarter lunation in Virgo. Both Earth signs, though this mutable First Quarter asks us to be more flexible with our goals. Unlike the rigid bull of the New Moon, this First Quarter Moon intuits to be of service, it must bend when needed. This lunation sits in a tight T-Square with Saturn in Pisces, this could make one very self-critical of the goals they have set out on, and may have to work a little harder to discern their own emotion versus the material objectivity of the plan. This continues to play out when the Sun and Saturn go into exact square, one of two annual squares.

Overall, this is a accomodating lunation since it trines its ruler Mercury and it comes after the Mars-Jupiter square. Flexibility and compromise color this week. Asking and receiving help on execution of well-laid plans is ok too.

The week closes out with the Sun squaring Saturn in Pisces at 6 degrees.  One of two annual squares the Sun makes to Saturn. Heart and Mind may not align well today, a touch of melancholy can paint the sectors of your birth chart where these two planets reside currently. This transit asks for patience, and even silence. This can be hard for a Mercurial Sun in Gemini the tendency is to talk and move around, ask questions, flutter about for answers. Saturn in Pisces may just ask your mind for silence, and solitude for the heart. Through the silence, Saturn’s quieter whispers of wisdom and overall acumen may be heard. This energy may of been felt since the Sun entered Gemini’s sign on the 21st of May.

The Sun can represent solar figures, leaders, fathers, kings, those in higher positions. When Saturn mixes in from a square aspect, such figures may feel push back on days like this, encounter challenges, and may just have to work a little harder, and quieter to get the job done. 

Personal tasks you are trying to complete, ideas you are trying to convey may feel challenged during this period, take longer than you may like. Emotion may even feel a bit walled off and confined. Again this quote echoes through the week, “Growth is stepping over the things you used to trip on.” Lift your feet up this week and keep pushing forward, albeit slowly, all transits eventually pass and real growth is possible.


5.29.23 Moon Tracks


5.15.23 Moon Tracks