10.31.22 Moon Tracks

Happy Halloween ghouls and gals! The weekend highlighted one of the more anticipated and spooky transits, Mars stationing retrograde through the first New Moon phase. This retrograde commenced the same day Mercury moved into Mar’s home sign, Scorpio, lending a mutual reception between the two planets. Symbolically, this shows the two planets working together in some productive sense, a helping hand. Mercury in Scorpio, can be a like a psychological detective, turning over deep stones that pin unsightly shadows to our emotional ocean floor. On a personal note, I went metal detecting on our lake this weekend. The water levels are very low, uncovering island shores that are normally submerged. This is a perfect image of Mercury in Scorpio. An adventurous detective willing to seek and find the constraints that keep us from moving forward. This transit also feeds well into the movements of the Moon right now. 

The New Moon season was colored by the partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and this stirred her all up for a change. Fitting that on Halloween, when the veil is thinnest, the Moon conjoins Pluto in Capricorn and then immediately meets Mercury through a square aspect.  Pluto ruling the underworld, and Capricorn symbolically representing the death of the Sun at the Winter Solstice, an image surfaces-Lunar Queen and the Underworld King in a clandestine tryst, dark lovers exploring the realms with no boundaries. When Queen Luna pulls away from this secret meeting, she takes with her the scent of death and rebirth, and immediately is met by Mercury in a confrontational aspect. Hermes can smell where she has been, for he too can dip and dive between the living and the dead, he has some pressing questions, ones that challenge her to self-reflect on what she has been up to and where she is going. What is changing? The lunar journey since the partial eclipse in Scorpio is stirring deep emotional tides and what is surfacing are shadows we can no longer keep at the bottom. The ruler of the eclipse in Scorpio, Mars has just stationed retrograde in Gemini, beginning to ask for revisions of thoughts, words, and actions. The Moon will continue to make aspects to Mars in the week through easy and not-so-easy aspects, a continuing conversation around the action you are taking in this first quarter to establish real change. November 4, Mars may just ask “Well what are you doing about it?” By the end of the day, Jupiter will again confirm your answer right or wrong.

Prior to the First Quarter perfection, the Moon sees Jupiter through a consoling, wise aspect and knows this is the way, walk ahead in truth.

It is the morning of Nov. 1, the First Quarter Moon in Aquarius perfects. The growing light has been building strength since the New Moon, and the thoughts and actions you may have taken in the last seven days are also beginning to take shape. Coming off the intensity of the Solar Eclipse, which was one based around deep emotions in regard to love, self-love, and creative opportunities to re-design how we communicate ourselves to the world. This is what has been at work. Pluto will not let you off easy, and just as the First Quarter perfects, maybe you had to have that real hard conversation and agreement that this is the path forward. Jupiter’s grace back into Pisces may solidify this pack with a divine kiss. And so as we and the Moon both grow in strength, standing firm on your path will be the hard lesson and this is reinstated by the Moon and Saturn both holding hands later that evening in the sign of Aquarius. It may be an isolating position you had to take, one that even may need the distance for better perspective, but know on the other end is a wise lesson being learned. One cannot help think that this is very much connected to the Saturn-Uranus square that we all have been experiencing as a collective for the last two years. 

Eclipse cycles and their effects are a near two year process as well. This eclipse cycle we have been in began last November, and we will see the final eclipse in the Taurus/Scorpio axis next Halloween of 2023. We do not always see the effects of an eclipse on the day, and it really is chart dependent like most things in astrology. Those effected the strongest will have natal planet placements within 3 degrees of the nodal points. With that said, the collective together is experiencing the effects of the Saturn-Uranus square in conjunction to the eclipses. Both are being activated, and the results are very similar.

I have been speaking a lot to the collective and personal need for dramatic change. Change that sweeps through our daily activities to life goals. It is a collective energy that is hitting everyone’s life in many personal ways. If you haven’t implemented the new strategy yet, no doubt it still haunts your mental landscape.

During this First Quarter phase, which will include the next seven days, Venus will oppose Uranus, and this will be right before we get hit with the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. We will go over this eclipse in the next muse, but it is important to note that Uranus will be near exact to this eclipse point, and this may be a very unstable time for the collective energy. It is also mid-term elections for the United States.  Now I will not get political, I am just pointing out the heightened frenetic energy of the whole that elections bring, and combine it with an eclipse conjoined to Uranus, and that is a lighting rod for all sorts of confusion and ungrounded action. My advice this week as we near this Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, which is really a super pumped up full Moon, is to go inward and ask yourself “What is Venus is asking of me?”. This Venusian energy opposing Uranus, with the eclipse energy already circulating in the air, the request for sacrifice and change is most likely on the table. Change in matters of love, in matters of compromise. Is it a lover, a friend, yourself, asking for you to change how you speak, communicate, love? Uranus is asking for something outside the box of your own conscious knowing. By changing something within your heart, what does that allow you to create? 

A quote of Einstein’s that has been floating around in my head for the last few weeks, and no doubt connected to the heavy astrological movements is “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” What are we tired of repeating? Is it the way we approach a situation, a person, an activity? What is no longer working and serving us that we must finally release once and for all, because one more rotation may drive us past that edge of insanity? 

Venus and Uranus in opposition right before the Moon hits the North Node, this is the ask. 

The evening of November 4th, the Moon moves into Aries which is the fiery temple of Mars. The Moon will sextile Mars on Sunday. This is a great day for initiating action and firmly planting a flag for where you wish to see the light grow in your life. It may take a moment to gain traction, with Mars retrograde just beginning, but where you are making revisions, changes, and applying action will be rewarded. 

Please return next Monday, we will cover the next lunar seven days, which include the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. No doubt it won’t disappointment, even for those with no natal planet placements, you will feel this one. 

Until then stay grounded amongst the churning of the stars. All of this is one great divine journey. 

If you are uncertain how your own natal chart is being impacted by all this frenetic planetary energy, reach out and let us divine.


11.7.22 Moon Tracks


Moon-day Musings Begin