Moon-day Musings Begin

Luna will toss the unaware in her tides. Let us be on guard.

Today is Monday, October 24, 2022. Today is the Moon’s day, or in Latin lunar dies, translated as the “day of the Moon”. Middle English derived this translation as Monenday, and was named after Mani, the Norse personification of the Moon. Today, we are left with Mondays, and as a collective we have been conditioned to scowl at the word, associating labor, schedules, appointments, and anything that drags us far from leisure and pleasure. 

My attempt at this new project is to reflect each Moon-day on our great luminary light and what she is up to for the next seven days. Every Moon-day, I hope to provide a container that highlights the movement of the Moon, the quickest and closest moving light in the sky. I feel we all can relate and feel these lunar energies, whether or not you have any astrological knowledge. The Moon governs our environment, our home, our community, what nurtures us, the food and the thoughts we ingest, our emotions, our waters. She really can steer our time in this realm, she will toss you around too if you aren’t aware. The tides of the Moon will ebb and flow our own emotions and reactions, and one of the goals in this lunar project is finding balanced ground in her fast footing. It is also my goal to educate and make intimate her movements in your own life, where you can truly begin to feel the connection of the heavens to your own environment. 

I start this project not only near a New Moon, which is prime time for seeding the astro-garden on new projects, but tomorrow is a partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is my third house, where the Moon finds her joy, and it deals with topics of the mind and communication, and community. My hopes and wishes for these “Moon-day Musings” are to build and foster a community that can find solid footing in knowing the week’s lunar energy ahead. 

Eclipse season is upon us, including a lunar eclipse in Taurus on the 8th of November. We will dive deeper into that soon enough. First I would like to focus on just these next seven days.

October 25, Tuesday, the partial Solar Eclipse will be in the fixed sign of Scorpio. Anyone with planetary placements in the early degrees of Scorpio or other fixed signs like Taurus, Aquarius, and Leo will feel the eclipse effects the most in the next 5-6 months. Solar eclipses are when there is a New Moon in the sky conjoined or close (as we have here with a partial eclipse) to the Moon’s nodes. The lunar nodes are also referred to as the North Node and South Node, referring to the axis point where the Sun and Moon cross one another. The North Node was viewed by ancient astrologers as a point of increase for good or bad, and if it was being aspected by a benefic planet like Jupiter, you would see a beneficial increase in the matters it was ruling. The same is true for a malefic or challenging planet, like Saturn, there may be an increase of negative outcomes. 

The South Node, in simplistic terms, can be viewed as a decrease or letting go point. The Solar Eclipse in Scorpio is of the South Node tendencies, and so it may be asking some of us “What do we need to let go off so we can plant seeds for something else to grow?” 

Now it is important to note that the Moon is in her fall when she enters the sign of Scorpio. There is a struggle taking place. Scorpio is a fixed water sign, ruling deep reservoirs of emotions, and the Moon rules security and emotional states also. One could see the entrance of the Moon into this subterranean repository as a time when we are approached by our great fears and insecurities. This eclipse is asking us to find the courage to face these shadows and pull them into the light for battle. 

What is coming up in the next few days that induce the urge to flee and hide? What monsters are you keeping under your own bed? Scorpio season is the season of witches and ghouls, and the perfect time to face those lingering and growing shadows that cast out our own divine light from shining forth. 

This eclipse is also activating Venus, who has also moved into her detriment, but a benefic planet (My last musing reflects deeper on this journey of Venus). I really feel this eclipse is asking us to reduce our warring inner language and increase a bit more self-love, but it won’t be easy with these two planets not in their own power. Venusian themes around women, sisters, love, art, and beauty may be central themes as well.

I like Wednesday and Thursday, October 26-27th for days when to take some real action in planting whatever seeds you need to sow, in order to grow something that is more aligned with your true north. Mars, the ruler of this eclipse, will be trining Mercury in Libra, and this equates constructive conversation and movement that can lead to right action. Shortly after, Jupiter the great benefic, will move back into his home sign of Pisces, albeit through retrograde motion. Jupiter’s stay will be brief, but rewarding, allowing us to feel those deep feels and dream big about our road ahead without all the self-annihilating baggage.

Let us meet again next Moon-day, and we will look at the Moon’s entrance into Aquarius, where Luna will make her first waxing square. Until then, find love in your heart for your heart. If you can’t love it, who really can?


10.31.22 Moon Tracks


The Journey of Venus