11.28.22 Moon Tracks

I begin this week in reflection of the great divine source that first emanates as one and from there, all else is born out of. The Sun, the One, the Divine, the God-head. This remains constant, ever so. It is the Moon, the reflective light that gathers the Sun’s rays, trying to warm herself and her collective tribes, but she can never gather enough heat. She moves too fast, her speed burns off the heat, and what we all are left with is a distorted image of what we truly strive to be, what we need, and what we have.

The Moon can be deceptive and illusionary, and yet it can equally describe the environment we find ourselves in. I track her to know what am I up against, what colors the air I breathe. Where are we headed and how can I hold the tension of where we are going? The wheel spins and we turn with each cycle. I remind myself to hold the heat of the divine light close to my own heart, in humble service I give thanks and ask for guidance to not be ran over by the churning cycles. Keep me in control of the wheel that drives the human experience, allow me to absorb but not be driven by the days that wish to toss us all out to the tides. Two feet planted firmly on the firmament. I look up to both the Sun and the Moon, honoring the duality embedded in the human experience, and remember I too am made of the same star dust. I can be one and the other, I have choices. I can exist under the sway of the Moon by first honoring the Sun. Move both in the day and the night, in the light and the shadows, recognizing they both bring our existence to full bloom.

The New Moon in Sagittarius last week brought us a lunation hot off the heels of the eclipse cycle. Each eclipse was strongly colored by many planetary elements, including Saturn and Uranus and Venus and Mercury and Mars and Jupiter. It really was like every God in the sky was crying for a part in the play, each an act unfolding. As the lunar light unfolds this month, each planet again will be revisited, an ongoing dialogue that still has much to reveal. Again, eclipses are an unfolding process that slowly reveal their true colors in the months following.

The week opens with many planets setting their sight on Mars. Mars has been living in the sign of Gemini since August, is currently retrograde and will not move into Cancer until March. Mars retrograde may have us re-visiting or re-thinking past actions, words, the way we have processed a situation and wish for a re-do. Mars in Gemini can very much be associated with how we think and act, how we process data coming through and how we act on it. When retrograde, our own mind and analysis can be rash, critical, and regretting. When direct we may be firing with great passion, sharp and energetic. Right now our minds may be restless in the areas where Mars is traversing.

On the 28th, Saturn and Mars will move into a trine aspect, and this may actually serve as a limiting effect to Mars expansive heat in an air sign. Saturn the other malefic in the sky, is applying to Mars in a gentler way, offering stern wisdom, warning Mars that he needs to slow down in a sense, maybe think of others as well. The Moon will also follow Saturn’s lead and aspect Mars and then join Saturn. These two days before the First Quarter perfects in Pisces, there is higher potential for more self-control, leading with “thinking before you speak”, is possible.

The First Quarter Moon perfects on the 30th of November in the water sign of Pisces, which will immediately be followed by Mercury and then Venus opposing Mars. Again Mars gets activated, this time by Mercury and Venus, adding another layer to the story of how we are communicating, relating, and handling our relationships with others and our own mind. The urge to compete or react in a hot-headed way must be tempered, lean into Jupiter, grab his hand that he is offering.

This First Quarter Moon also perfects in the temple of Jupiter while Jupiter himself is present, and the lunation cycle itself is a Jupiter-ruled cycle. We have the deeper wisdom of Jupiter shining through, leading us more in a diplomatic, considerate and kinder demeanor. If you were feeling frustration prior to this week, perhaps this will ease as the Moon and Jupiter unite in Pisces, allowing us more options of how to relate than just divide. Any situations that may have seemed one-sided may now feel more open to mediation and balance.

This First Quarter wants to prepare us for the Full Moon that will fully illuminate in the sign of Gemini. Gemini is a Mercury-ruled sign and the fact that Mercury is fully moving into an evening star position and Mars is present, one cannot help but feel these first 14 days in this lunation cycle will be one of mental preparation. The two planets are in mutual reception, helping each other complete their task. Will you respond with an inflamed mind or one rooted in deeper maturation?

Preparing our minds to neutralize and re-balance is possibly part of this cycle. The New Moon helped open doors to new adventures, greater optimism and deep wells of creativity. The First Quarter is a point where we may be expanding on these themes, but may also face an opposition to what we are trying to seed in this world. Greater perspective is needed now, a reminder that others may try to push us in other directions, or take us off track. Be kind and tempered in the next week, this is a point of maturation. Send prayers to the Sun and to the benefics to keep us on course, kind in our words, and set on the path of goodness. Great dreams will always face a level of doubt or opposition. As the Moon tracks across the heavens, stay centered in the Sun’s constant presence and reside in faith.


12.05.22 Moon Tracks


11.21.22 Moon Tracks