12.05.22 Moon Tracks

This week is heavily colored by the Full Moon in Gemini on late December 7th. This lunation phase is brought to you by Mercury, and Mercury is making some interesting moves. Mars retrograde in Gemini also has a few illuminating words to say in the week.

The Full Moon will perfect just before midnight on December 7th, but before full culmination, Mercury will first square Jupiter on December 6th. This square fills the air with a sense of over-exaggeration, perhaps a tendency to overstate and amplify one’s own abilities or promising a bit too much. Beware of your own ego at this point, it may bite back. 

Mercury will quickly move into the cardinal and practical sign of earthy Capricorn, and any inflation will certainly be quelled and grounded.

Shortly after this transit, the Moon will reach full illumination at 11:09 pm on December 7th. Just as the clock tolls midnight, the Moon moves over Mars who is halfway through his retrograde. This will also be the same degree the Sun and Mars will be in opposition. This is a very strong and key point not only in the Moon’s lunation story, but the story of Mars in Gemini. This will amp up Mars in a sense that can bring heightened aggravation, mental frustration, and perhaps an ideological conflict to what you are trying to do. Mars has been in Gemini since August and will not leave until March. Mars began his retrograde cycle on Halloween and is halfway through, not turning direct until January-Friday the 13th of all days. Sort of spooky how the God of War is moving through the heavens right now. Mars is associated not only with war, but weapons, sharp objects including the tongue, inflammation, competition, anger, heated frustration, passion and sex. When he goes retrograde, these areas may be highlighted but in a way that feels blocked or aggravated.

In our own charts, we would want to look at what house Gemini occupies to see where this frustration may be creeping in. For instance, if Gemini is your seventh house of marriage partnerships, and legal contracts, you could be feeling a block here whether it be hidden angers, a lack of passion, heightened conflict. Maybe since Mars entered this house there has been increased tension and conflict, especially around ideals and beliefs. When Mars went retrograde, a clear path forward is hard to find or partners are just not hearing one another fully. There can be an accumulation of frustration at something just not moving forward.

The Full Moon in accordance with the Mars and Sun opposition, could have us reviewing this aspect of our life and having us reconsidering our future, our approach, and perhaps a new direction. Maybe we are forced to look at deeper inflammations of the relationship or situation. Are we dressing the wounds properly? 

Our minds during this period run the risk of high frustration, and maybe even disappointment in how something is stalled or not moving in the way we would like. Our dreams may feel more unsettled, perhaps even contain elements of violence and anxiety.

The decan of Gemini that Mars and the Full Moon perfects in is a Mar’s ruled decan. This doubles down on the challenges we may face, and the risk of sudden outbursts, heightened anger, and overwhelming frustration may be at play this week. It is a good period to watch your health, incorporate movement or creative play to release tension.

The tarot card associated with this Full Moon is the 9 of Swords, which is generally interperted as a high anxiety card. It is associated with fear, guilt and shame, and reminds me of the internal monsters that keep us awake at night. 

It is important to have great self-care this week, watch what you are taking in with media consumption, incorporate and focus on more aspects of love and compassion. Move your body and push through the mental anxiety. Feed the light not the darkness.

On December 9th, Venus then moves into a square with Jupiter, running the risk of overindulgence, being too self-involved, overly obsessed with how you look or being overly critical of yourself or others. There is a very grand sense of inflation over all this week, and it will eventually become more grounded and realistic. Venus will move into earthy Capricorn on the 10th joining Mercury, and the Moon enters its temple in Cancer after it has harder aspects to Venus and Jupiter. This Full Moon may highlight deeper pains and frustrations that are hard to ignore. It may leave us reevaluating our own ideologies and steps in the future. It is a critical point in Mar’s story in Gemini and may be unearthing the root of the problem. As the Moon settles into her temple of Cancer, finish the week with gentle self-care and avoid gossip and criticism, including critiquing your self. Curl up with an old movie, maybe a holiday classic that just leaves a dose of tenderness behind.

Where is Gemini in your chart? How are you feeling this illumination from the Moon in your life this week? Unsure? Reach out to me and I can assist you in exploring where Mars has been traveling in your birth chart. Together we can navigate stars to orient the soul.


12.12.22 Moon Tracks


11.28.22 Moon Tracks