12.12.22 Moon Tracks

This week we move into the Last Quarter Moon in Virgo, which leads into the balsamic phase. This is a darkening, or a falling apart of the lunar cycle. It is here where we go into a more yin nature, a quieting. Introspective as the light fades, the work is done. We can now sit and reflect on what has been. This week also marks the last real week of the northern hemispheres own darkening, each night blacker, longer than the night before. Even this will reach an end, peaking on the Winter Solstice. From there, the path is only up. When the Sun begins its return, this will also mark the New Moon in Capricorn, quite fitting really, and more on that next week.

For now, we remain in the greater void while Sagittarius season wraps up. The decan that marks the last ten degrees of Sagittarius is appropriately ruled by Saturn. This is the temple of Jupiter, but for now Zeus dresses in Kronos clothes, his buoyant natured cloaked in Saturn’s weighted garments. Heavy and serious, these last ten days are the final battle cry of the Sun’s exile. 

The tarot associated with the last decan of Sagittarius is the Ten of Wands. This completes the minor arcana of the wands, and the hero has finally reached the village. Is this home, or is he a stranger in a strange land? Hunched and balancing the ten on wands on his back, these were hard-earned and each wand holds there own story and burden. He fought for each one, and now he alone carries each burden.

What are you carrying around with you these days, who and what burden do you shoulder that keeps you weighted from your own flight? Jupiter in Sagittarius seeks freedom, and heightened levels of adventure. Right now we are in a total black out as the moon progresses closer into balsamic and the night rules the day. The shadows are only growing. 

What burdens are we shouldering, carrying on our back. Sagittarius is about being buoyant and free, but with the oppression of Saturn, how do we release the things that hold us down and keep us from taking flight. Negative mindsets, negative self talk, negative people that we allow to continue in our lives, our own negativity that we bring to other relationships. This is a time for honest self-reflection, and we don’t always love what we see in the mirror. Bring the light back on you and also through you. How can you love yourself more, love others more, even if that really means letting some go. Releasing the burdens of others you no longer have to carry, release and allow a different story to be told.

Let us get ready for Jupiter’s entrance into Aries, it will be quick and swift this time around, with inception right before the Solstice and a New Moon in Capricorn. Adventure awaits, pack light.


12.19.22 Moon Tracks


12.05.22 Moon Tracks