12.19.22 Moon Tracks

The planets are busy this week, preparing for the returning light and new beginnings. The week starts off with the Balsamic Moon in Scorpio, not the most comfortable place for this dark luminary, Scorpio’s waters may just be home to the monsters that keep us up at night. How deep do you dare to dive, one must get sleep. This is a quiet, yin period, and not best for outward activity. The Last Quarter Moon in Virgo had us working out some of the tougher lessons from the Full Moon. I know I had things that kept me up at night, but that was also when I did some really good shadow work, in the darkness. I sit quietly with these lessons, let them swim around and really trying to absorb them the best my mind and heart allows.

Personal level, I prepare now for the ingress of Jupiter into Aries on December 20th, a swift entrance into fiery Mars temple, I envision a wild fire of activity swirling around my 8th house. Whether this entails my partners resources, my own karmic obligations to some heavy soul contracts, or just diving deeper down my favorite occult holes, it is busy. I have been feeling this transit for the last week on all of those mentioned levels. Jupiter won’t be here too long, there is quick work to be done. Jupiter in Aries brings initiating action and fast feet, be ready to move. This isn’t enduring energy either, more of a sprint than marathon, so if creative energy comes in, be certain to grab that ram by the horns before it slips away. Jupiter will remain in Aries until May of 2023, before it firmly fixes himself in Taurus.

The next day the Sun enters Capricorn on December 21, blessing us with his return at the Solstice point. We have reached peaked darkness! Each day from here, the light will remain just a little longer. The Solstice reminds us that death and rebirth are built into every crack of life, a life based on this very duality. Just as the one light that provides us life and light, it also metaphorically dies each night, each year, and returns to us ready to steadily sustain for another cycle. Consistent in its pattern.

It is right after the Solstice, Sun squares Jupiter. The Sun is exalted in the sign of Aries where Jupiter has just entered, the Sun and Jupiter are standing off perhaps in a moral sense. Checking one another. Jupiter is eager to get moving, the Sun checks him and reminds him to proceed slowly in action and spirit, after all the Sun is just coming back to life. Jupiter is a benefic, this square isn’t one of detriment but more of a warning to spirit.   Perhaps this is a point where we get a little too high on the horse, or we feel a bit grandiose and ambitious out the gate. This is a good point to check our own egos and maybe even revise our New Year’s resolutions to a more sustainable model. The Sun asks of us to go slow into this winter season and our intentions for the new year.  Issues with authority, fathers, father figures may be central themes as well around this period. I do think both the ingress of the Sun and Jupiter at the Solstice point is positive for what is coming, but it will require a speedy fiery Jupiter to temper his flames a smidge.

After the Winter Solstice, the Moon moves into Capricorn and immediately into its New Moon phase. This lunar cycle is one filled with rational decision making, building goals that are clear cut from the ground up. It is a lovely year end Moon that allows one to reflect and prepare to build tangible and sustainable visions and intentions. Where do you wish to see yourself in 2023, in the spring, summer and full cycle of winter? This New Moon supplies the container to set intent in a creative, enduring way. Venus is present with the Moon, and together they can weave  imaginative and clever paths for reaching said targets. There is even assistance from dreamy Neptune and logical Mercury, now is the time map out a game plan for grounded 2023 objectives!


Winter Solstice


12.12.22 Moon Tracks