1.30.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

1.30.23 Moon Tracks

The First Quarter Moon, in the earthy and nourishing fertile grounds of Taurus, started to test the connective tissues that bind us all together. Are we still tending to our gardens, and are we moving slow enough with enough intention to include or exclude what we would like to see flourish. Tissue that isn’t nourished will go necrotic, it lacks any blood flow. Where can we use more circulation of life force!

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1.23.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

1.23.23 Moon Tracks

“Whatever you set out on at the New Moon, I would even suggest at the new year, this First Quarter lunar phase presents steady ground to support you. “

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12.12.22 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

12.12.22 Moon Tracks

This week we move into the last quarter moon in Virgo, which leads into the balsamic phase. This is a darkening, or a falling apart of the lunar cycle. It is here where we go into a more yin nature, a quieting. Introspective as the light fades, the work is done. We can now sit and reflect on what has been. This week also marks the last real week of the northern hemispheres own darkening, each night blacker, longer than the night before. Even this will reach an end, peaking on Winter Solstice.

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12.05.22 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

12.05.22 Moon Tracks

This week is heavily colored by the Full Moon in Gemini on December 8th. This lunation phase is brought to you by Mercury, and Mercury is making some interesting moves. Mars retrograde in Gemini also has a few illluminating words to say in the week.

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