12.26.22 Moon Tracks

The parting New Moon remains in the grips of Saturn as it dwells in the collective house of Aquarius. A holiday hangover, Luna seeks solitude amongst the masses, looking to gather herself after the parties, the tinsel, the festive frenzy. She finds comfort among Saturn’s high walls even just for a day. 

Greater escape can be found on the shores of Pisces on the 27th, plunging into nebulous and dreamy waters, but clear thinking and execution may be hard to grasp as Mercury stations for yet another retrograde. These days following the Solstice, the New Moon and Christmas are best for rest, reflection and maybe even a creative project. It is the end of the year, and all of these events send the signal to release and prepare for another cycle. Don’t fight it, just flow with it.

Venus in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces see each other in a friendly aspect this week, adding a liminal dose of healthy daydreaming and expanded love. Use these early days of this week to creatively construct a vision board of what you would like to bloom in 2023. Venus will catch up to Mercury as he turns retrograde and will overcome him on the same day. Both now in positions of evening stars, but one is in retrograde and has slowed down. Venus for the win. Venus seeks love, seeks compromise, seeks harmony. She doesn’t want to just win, but she wants to help overcome anything that is no longer loving you. Will you embrace her in  the New Year with open arms and the willingness to find compromise, trust and an eagerness to make right with everything and everyone? Love may just be the undertone.

The Moon moves into her First Quarter phase in Aries on the 29th, making a harmonious aspect to Mars who has rulership in Aries. Mars has influenced both the New Moon in Capricorn last week and now leading in Aries. His retrograde cycle in Gemini still has two more weeks to go, but influence he may. With both Mercury and Mars stationing retrograde, it seems like we are being asked to revisit themes around the mind, words we may have spoken, conversations we may have had, ideas we might have suggested. The speed of both of these planets are slowing down, Mars and Mercury both retrograde during this cycle will have us revisiting our thoughts, our actions, and may even suggest that our mental processes need fresh perspective. Venus is seeking to bring creative, fresh outside the box ideas to our new year. Venus has the assistance of Neptune and Pluto this week for prolific imagination, visionary goal-setting, and deep transformation. Venus has the potential to infuse love into the harder to reach places.

The action one may wish to implement during a First Quarter phase, will be action of quieter fashion. A poetic notion may be just that, such as writing your 2023 goals down on paper and bundling them in rosemary and cinnamon, and burning it under the light of the growing moon.

 Think creative, think fresh, think of how you can inspire this coming year in a fashion that is only suitable to an environment of love, compassion, joy and pure passion.

Happy New Year to you all, may it blessed and filled with love. 


1.02.23 Moon Tracks


Winter Solstice