Planetary Apothecary:     An  Eclipsing Opposition
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

Planetary Apothecary: An Eclipsing Opposition

October 28th, we have the final lunar eclipse along the Taurus*Scorpio axis at 5 degrees in Taurus. This will be a partial lunar eclipse, blotting out the full Moon partially, nonetheless potent and important to a nearly 2-year storyline of this specific eclipse cycle.

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7.3.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

7.3.23 Moon Tracks

This week really focuses around three transits, all communicating from Cancer, the temple of the Moon. An active week begins with a Full Moon in Capricorn on the 3rd of July, on the 6th, Mercury in Cancer aspects Uranus in Taurus through an easy going sextile, and on the 9th, Mercury intuitively transmits to Neptune in a beneficial trine.

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4.03.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

4.03.23 Moon Tracks

Go forward this week seeking perspective, and more profound understanding. The stars are aligned to move you forward on this week’s journey.

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3.13.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

3.13.23 Moon Tracks

“The Virgo Full Moon closes out and we get the waning light as we move into the Last Quarter lunar phase on the 14th. Typically waning phases are good for reflection rather than action, this may prove difficult considering other planetary transits occurring simultaneously. This week does not slow down after Saturn’s entrance into Pisces and the Full Moon. There may be a real need for a call of action, but is it a siren’s song? “

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2.20.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

2.20.23 Moon Tracks

The cord that binds. It threads itself through humanity and connects us all together, so we don’t loose ourselves, loose our humanity, loose our love.

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Mercury in Aquarius
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

Mercury in Aquarius

The second decan of Aquarius, is called the Lord of Science. Dissection and rational thinking may just be the perfect antidote to a week that felt there were literally no brakes.

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2.13.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

2.13.23 Moon Tracks

A closing Last Quarter Scorpio Moon opens this week. The Moon darkens as she dives in waters that she absorbs more as a toxin than an antidote. She is dying, and so are the intentions that we set at the outset of the New Moon. Death is only transformation. My father always said, “Nothing dies, it is all energy. Energy just takes another shape, it gets recycled.” I like to believe he is now transformed into a dragonfly, fluttering freely in the ether.

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12.26.22 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

12.26.22 Moon Tracks

A holiday hangover, Luna seeks solitude amongst the masses, looking to gather herself after the parties, the tinsel, the festive frenzy. She finds comfort among Saturn’s high walls even just for a day.

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