2.20.23 Moon Tracks

The cord that binds. It threads itself through humanity and connects us all together, so we don’t loose ourselves, loose our humanity, loose our love.

The mythology behind Pisces, which in Latin means fish, is the story of Aphrodite and her son, Eros, attempting to escape the evil Greek god, Typhon on Mount Olympus. Different versions of the story exist- whether they shaped shifted into fish to escape Typhon, maybe Zeus transformed them, or they were rescued by two fish who allowed them to jump on their backs and be escorted into the heavens. The end of the story remains the same, the two were placed in the heavens, bound by a thread so they can remain forever connected. The Pisces glyph is two cresent moons, with a line between them, representing balance and connection.

The cord that binds. It threads itself through humanity and connects us all together, so we don’t loose ourselves, loose our humanity, loose our love.

Pisces, a sign associated with a deeper compassion for the collective, coming right after the sign of Aquarius. Where Aquarius is concerned with the collective, but can remain a bit detached, Pisces will dive deeper into humanity’s pool and yearn for that human connection.

 A mutable water sign, and living in between the world of winter and spring, this sign possesses both light and dark and it is easy to misstep on either end. It is the cord that is important, it keeps us from not fully misplacing oneself in the vast, liminal spaces or too exposed in the mundane. Pisces reminds us to recalibrate our needle, keep our compass pointing towards true north, in turn we are not forever lost,but amongst the stars, amongst the gods.

A New Moon in Pisces dresses the sky on February 20th and the kicks off of Pisces season at 1 degree. This holds strong omens that this new lunar cycle speaks to the underlying lesson of the fish. An ongoing theme in my recent muses, and one that is continually reinforced by the astrology, is that the collective is in need of nourishment, in need of reorienting the arrow on our compass and remembering our true north. The watery nature of Pisces looks to hydrate the connective tissue of our lives. Have we been drinking our holy water? Are we so parched, our spirit is brittle? In what areas of our life can we flood with divine nourishment?

We loose Venus, the goddess of love Aphrodite, at this New Moon. She enters Aries on the 20th after the New Moon. How can we hold her exalted love as she swims away into the sign of the ram? It is in Aries, where her lover Mars rules and Jupiter, the greater benefic is present.  Maybe both can protect her why we figure this out, and those three can discuss peace in war time. Be sure to keep your cord tied to her as she disappears, remember to hold love as the first tenant while strategy is discussed.

This New Moon in the mutable, rich and divine waters of the fish may ask of us what new leaf are we turning over in our mind and heart? Are there areas where we can offer forgiveness? The ribbon that extends from one fish to the other, does yours even exist?

Mercury has some moves and words to speak in the beginning of this cycle. Ever since he entered Aquarius, concern for the collective has been on his mind. Scanning the world, scanning the news, voicing distress, uncovering truths. His square to Uranus on the 21st uncovers new information. It may be startling, jarring or just challenging to intergrate. The revelation of fresh perspective is gifted, and it will be crucial to learn how to incorporate it. This transit may also revolve around communication and technology in general, sudden revelations, unfolding disclosures, and discourse in the social arena are all themes to look for. 

Integration and action may come on the 22nd, when Mercury and Mars meet in a favorable aspect, and the Moon joins Venus once again in Aries. Luna’s arrival into Aries with the two benefics now present is a positive sign for accomplishing tasks, healing wounds, and generally feeling more connected with the world around you. 

“It may be necessary from time to time to absent ourselves from the world in order to reflect, regroup, or revision our journey, but ultimately, we are to bring that larger person back to the world.” Jungian psychoanalyst, James Hollis, PH.D.

The week closes with no more major planetary transits, so enjoy the rest of the heavens and stay connected in heart and mind. Slow yourself down, disconnect from the world at large if that helps reconnect to yourself and others overall. Thread the ribbon. Sometimes that is exactly what is needed to recharge the heart.  


2.27.23 Moon Tracks


Mercury in Aquarius