3.20.23 Moon Tracks
The Sun’s entrance into Aries signifies the zodiacal new year. Equal hours of day and light, a new Sun that begins again, youthful, renewed, hopeful. The Spring Equinox, marked by the movement of the Sun from Pisces to Aries. From the communal, spiritual well, into the cardinal, fire sign of Aries, possessing all the potential of hopeful new starts. This is similar to the energy behind the turning of the calendar in the new year.
The first day of Spring officially begins in the mid-west at 4:25 pm est. The sleepy Balsamic Moon quickly wraps up her own time in Pisces. Waking up and joining the Sun at 0 degrees in Aries on the 21st. A New Moon marking a new zodiacal yearly cycle, seems quite potent and hopeful in its own right.
What exactly are you wishing for at this very moment? Plant your desires like seeds in the planetary soil, and whisper a silent prayer that evening as the New Moon kisses Mercury at 5 deg. Mercury will tuck them tight away and deliver such prayers and wishes to the gods.
Remember these goals, tend to them, especially in the next 28 days, give your wishes legs to stand.
The 23rd of March is a dynamic day, early in the morning Pluto crosses the borders from Capricorn into Aquarius. This will not be a permanent stay, but a preview of the next 20 years. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, and his time in the sea goats home is wrapping up.
Where is Capricorn in your chart? Pluto is a process-oriented planet, which means wherever it is, it slowly tills the soils, turning it over and over, transforming the landscape, and leaving behind deep, extracted jewels for those treasure seekers wishing to hunt. This outer planet speaks to collective experiences, bringing societal transformation, unveiling of secrets and leveling of power, and it can also be a personally deep transformative time for individuals who have it activating natal planet placements as well.
When it moves into Aquarius, especially these next few months, pay attention to what is coming into your world, if there is anything that is begging for a makeover, most certainly Pluto will start making suggestions. This may be a time where you are analyzing your own mental processes, how you approach a certain matter. Pluto in a fixed air sign may instigate changes around philosophy, mental attitudes, addictions, and patterns of perception.
Look to the house Aquarius occupies, learn the topics and listen. Guaranteed Pluto is beginning to propose ideas. In the sign of Aquarius, the water bearer who seeks to evolve individuals around them to higher ideals, Pluto may ask how are you relating to the collective? Is there integration of personal to the whole?
Aquarian themes not only deal with the concern of the collective, but also equally with the outsider, the other side of the coin. Pluto will keep flipping this coin in Aquarius, you may feel yourself pulled inside and out. In with the collective and then standing alone, this may be a more emotional isolation than physical, but certainly can be both.
Aquarius is a forward thinking, innovative sign. Pluto will begin asking deeper questions around the speed of technology and where it belongs and maybe doesn’t belong in society. Questions around morality and ethics can be front and center, and learning to integrate technology into society, rather than society into technology may also be real themes.
On the 23rd, the Moon moves into Taurus shortly after Pluto’s ingress and will square Pluto at the exact time. The Moon is in its place of exaltation, where it is raised on high in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. This again suggests that conflict may lay between the earth and air, humans and technology, the present mundane reality we live in and the tension of an ether community that isn’t grounded in the tangible fixed energy of Taurus.
Mars on the 25th finally exits Gemini and enters the sign of Cancer. Mars has been traversing the airy landscape of Gemini since August of 2022. The ingress of Mars into Cancer isn’t necessarily the best position for Mars, it is his fall. He will be in his own bounds for the first 7 degrees, gaining a little more dignity. This overall period in Cancer may feel less mentally heated or assertive than his time in Gemini, but deeper emotion wells and personal security may feel provoked. Nostalgic notions may feel triggering. This may be a reflective period where the longing for the past brings painful bouts of rememberance. I recently learned a word of Welsh origin, “hiraeth”, a homesickness for a home that no longer exists or maybe never did. A nostalgic longing for a past that never was. I wonder if this is what Mar’s time in Cancer will look like, a nostalgic homesickness for an irretrievable past. We may be asked at this time to move ourself forward in the present, move ourself forward not backwards. Allow the present to unite, rather than the past to divide.
The Moon’s presence with Venus, the domicile and exaltation of Taurus, makes me think that love and compassion for the collective is the name of the game. It really is what most of the major transits are speaking to. Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter in Aries then moving into Taurus, these all speak to a more grounded, compassionate movement- uniting rather than dividing. Seeking spirit over the intellect. It may be a game of hide and seek, but I think this spring holds hopeful possibilities in moving us in the right direction. The Sun of our soul is rising.