3.27.23 Moon Tracks

I want to turn our focus to Mars this week, who got lost a little amongst the Pluto ingress. I think his current ingress into Cancer on the 25th, was a key move in the heavens this month. Mars who has just spent seven months in the air sign of Gemini finally exits the sign of the twins. His next step is not exactly an upgrade, but an extinguishing effect may be felt, as Mars moves into his fall in Cancer. He has a hard time launching his jet pack in the cardinal water of the crab and is asked to slow down and perhaps reflect on where he has been and where his warrior energy is heading.

Mars in Cancer, the sign of the protective crab, can put one’s defenses on unnerving alert.  One can feel overly protective and guarded of self and/or others. The Moon has rulership here in Cancer, the Moon represents women, mothers, tribes, nurturing tendencies. When Mars shows up, one can feel on high alert, like a devouring mother.

The Moon traces Mars steps in Gemini, and will meet the challenged warrior at 1 deg of Cancer. This conjunction may lead to heavier conversations and emotionally-heated environments on the 28th. This is also the day where the Moon perfects her First Quarter Phase. This can be a phase where tension lies, challenges creep up, asking us to choose a path forward. 

The Moon is very at home in Cancer, this is her primary sign of rulership. With the First Quarter occurring in her home sign, she ask Mars to bend to her will. Her will is one of reflection, nourishment, emotional insight, personal security. Mars and a First Quarter Moon in a positive light can show up as a concentrated focus on home-related activities such as a home remodel or spring cleaning. The shadow aspect of a Mars in its fall joining a First Quarter Moon, domestic disputes, over-bearing parenting, extreme need to protect, neighborhood/community disagreements possibly over water and/or around development, building projects.

Questions to ask yourself if you are feeling internal heat rising, “Are the battles worth it? What unseen force are you battling? What are you protecting? How does the past keep you locked in the present, without much forward movement? Where are you gripping too tight, constricting energy flow?”

Mars in Cancer may have a hard time meeting mind and emotion in a balanced portion. Cancer, cardinal water, with Mars as a resident, may feel like your emotions are pouring forth so quickly, finding a container to hold it all is difficult.

Let us reflect on what signs Mars does rule, Scorpio and Aries. Aries is very busy right now. Coming off of the Spring Equinox and New Moon in this sign, we have the planets Jupiter, Mercury and the Sun currently there. Whatever Mars is experiencing, good or bad, will reflect in a sense in the houses of Scorpio and Aries. 

The same day that we receive the First Quarter Moon, Mercury and Jupiter meet at 18 degrees in Aries. Mercury and Jupiter combinations can promote big talk and big ideas. It can bring conversations centered around morality and ethics, it can have the propensity to want to break down larger concepts and piece it out. It can also bring the energy of optimisim, perhaps overconfidence, inflated egos, and promising too much. 

This meeting in Mars home sign can really inflate emotions, expand conversations, possibly overcommit. Yet the delivery of big promises may fall flat due to Mars position in Cancer.  

Watch for such conversations on the homefront, with siblings or parents, or communities. Watch the tongue, observe the mind, and observe the news. I am curious around this day if there are not bigger conversations and revelations around warfare strategies, finanical markets (Mercury rules commerce and trade), movement of money, and ethics around where we place our resources. I also could see this period reflecting around national security and privacy, especially around topics of spyware and technology may be elevated at this period.

Closing out the week, Thursday the 30th is busy, Mars and Saturn meet in a trine aspect. The two malefics in aspect, but one that isn’t harsh like a square or opposition, can be encouraging for bridging any emotional outbursts and misunderstandings from earlier in the week. This aspect may supply the missing container needed for a broader perspective.

Venus and Uranus also meet in Taurus by conjunction on the 30th. A revolutionary air of love and creative impulse may emerge this day. This conjunction is happening in Venus’ home sign of Taurus, the fixed earth sign. Uranus has the power to “unstick” what has been immoveable. Maybe this is related to an established relationship pattern, with Venus and Uranus meeting, perhaps a new way of relating suddenly emerges and we gain fresh perspective. Artistic breakthroughs, personal self-makeovers, and emerging social connections can all be relevant at this time. You may be tempted by a dramatic new haircut on this day, perhaps sleep on it!

Second Decan of Aries- Three of Wands, Lord of Virtue

Lastly, Thursday, the exalted Aries Sun moves into the second decan or face of Aries. Here the Sun has rulership over this face. The tarot card associated with this decan is the 3 of Wands. This is a card of patient success, which can be a real struggle in the cardinal fire sign. Patience is not easily found here, but it is what guarantess long-term gains. There is a gathering of endurance and strength in this decan. Holding to what we know to be true is important on this journey, and not selling out our dreams in exchange for fleeting success is the temptation.

Remember the New Moon first perfected in the sign of Aries at the time of the Spring Equinox. A seed was planted in the first decan of Aries, and though you cannot see the roots attempting to establish, they are building. Three’s represent a creation, where we began with one and united with two, three was conceived. The three wands have green buds. Where you are headed, you must slowly build towards the goal, and keep wide-eyed perspective. Narrow too quickly, and you may miss the mark and completely unearth the goal prematurely.


4.03.23 Moon Tracks


Pluto in Aquarius