Hunting Old Ghosts

Hunting Old Ghosts

The house of Scorpio is heavily activated all of November. This is the sign of the scorpion, the one who was dispatched to hunt the great hunter, Orion. It was the scorpion who emerged from a deep underground cavern, ordered by Gaia herself, to take down the giant Orion, who boasted he could and would kill all wild beasts that roamed the earth. It was quite a battle, but Scorpius prevailed, eliminating Orion and gaining the intrigued eye of Zeus. 

On Monday, November 13, the Sun and Moon meet in the sign of Scorpio, a lunation that is no longer an eclipse, but a very significant new Moon. This new Moon is also sharing the same space with Mars who has only recently opposed Uranus, which has the markings of Orion’s brashness, aggressiveness and ego. It also has notes of explosive courage, sudden creative surges, increased competitiveness, and assertiveness that can quickly transmute into authoritative control.  This New Moon will also oppose Uranus, and will quickly be followed a Moon and Mars conjunction, again enticing the warrior to draw swords, hearts and hearths to protect.

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Leo New Moon
Leo New Moon Molly Curtis Leo New Moon Molly Curtis

Leo New Moon

A New Moon in Leo square Uranus, occurring shortly after Venus cazimi, can have you reviewing how you wish to show up in the world. Is a new vision of your representation surfacing? Is the urge to burn off old forms, shed past images, and redesign yourself in an updated fresh way coming through. Is there an internal revolution bubbling inside of you?

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7.3.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

7.3.23 Moon Tracks

This week really focuses around three transits, all communicating from Cancer, the temple of the Moon. An active week begins with a Full Moon in Capricorn on the 3rd of July, on the 6th, Mercury in Cancer aspects Uranus in Taurus through an easy going sextile, and on the 9th, Mercury intuitively transmits to Neptune in a beneficial trine.

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6.26.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

6.26.23 Moon Tracks

This week begins with a dynamic bang supported by a First Quarter Moon in Libra on Monday, June 26th. The week closes out on a much more insightful and softer note.

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5.08.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

5.08.23 Moon Tracks

This week’s mantra, “It was joy that began the cycle, and it will be joy that I will take across the finish line.”

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3.27.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

3.27.23 Moon Tracks

I want to turn our focus to Mars this week, who got lost a little amongst the Pluto ingress. I think his current ingress into Cancer on the 25th, was a key move in the heavens this month. Mars who has just spent seven months in the air sign of Gemini finally exits the sign of the twins.

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1.30.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

1.30.23 Moon Tracks

The First Quarter Moon, in the earthy and nourishing fertile grounds of Taurus, started to test the connective tissues that bind us all together. Are we still tending to our gardens, and are we moving slow enough with enough intention to include or exclude what we would like to see flourish. Tissue that isn’t nourished will go necrotic, it lacks any blood flow. Where can we use more circulation of life force!

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