Hunting Old Ghosts

The house of Scorpio is heavily activated all of November. This is the sign of the scorpion, the one who was dispatched to hunt the great hunter, Orion. It was the scorpion who emerged from a deep underground cavern, ordered by Gaia herself, to take down the giant Orion, who boasted he could and would kill all wild beasts that roamed the earth. It was quite a battle, but Scorpius prevailed, eliminating Orion and gaining the intrigued eye of Zeus. 

Scorpius was honored by the gods, earning a place in the heavens, and Orion also earned his position, despite his boastfulness. The two remain seperated by the seasons and the horizon. Orion is always endlessly hunting Scorpio in the sky, and yet never the two shall meet. As summer ends, and Orion dips in the horizon, Scorpio rises and takes his place in the northern hemisphere’s autumnal sky. 

On Monday, November 13, the Sun and Moon meet in the sign of Scorpio, a lunation that is no longer an eclipse, but a very significant new Moon. This new Moon is also sharing the same space with Mars who has only recently opposed Uranus, which has the markings of Orion’s brashness, aggressiveness and ego. It also has notes of explosive courage, sudden creative surges, increased competitiveness, and assertiveness that can quickly transmute into authoritative control.  This New Moon will also oppose Uranus, and will quickly be followed a Moon and Mars conjunction, again enticing the warrior to draw swords, hearts and hearths to protect.

On November 17th, both the Sun and Mars will trine Neptune at 25 deg degrees, giving each planet a dreamy respite to what the potentialities do hold. This is a creative, gestating period for both planets that have been infused with Uranian and lunar energy. Neptune shrouds them both with a dose of mystery and spirit, and sends them both forth in union and perhaps greater purpose.

November 18th, Mars and the Sun will conjoin at 25 degrees Scorpio. When Mars and the Sun meet, this is considered a cazimi by ancient astrologers, a planet that passes through the heart of the Sun earns a solar renewal. Mars has been on a 2-year journey, consider it a life-cycle process, and these final weeks, the warrior has been weakening and dying. This makes for an ineffective Mars, a soldier with a gun and no ammo. Yet now, he meets the bright rays of the Sun, and is cleaned, a baptism by fire, gun fully loaded. Mars is now ready to rise up again, in the chariot of the Sun and put forth new energy, new vitality. He is ready to take on fresh challenges, and this new Moon cycle may ask us first to lay to rest what we thought we wanted, and update the goals. 

Mars in his death phase may have had us hunting old ghosts, dreams that still haunt us, but truly never aligned with our reality. Mars and the Sun opposing Uranus both are transits that ask us to get honest and to update the software. Mars present the corrupted image that asks to be acknowledged and the Sun points us towards our new goal, our external actions that drive us to actively pursue an ideal. The new Moon in Scorpio with a Uranus opposition hits deep and hits honest, it dredges up old emotions and wounds. We need to clean them and care for them, but we also need to set them free for both new lunar cycle, and this new Mars cycle to do their work effectively. These are both cycles of new beginnings and renewed energy, and yet the transits surrounding these cycles ask for us to clear away any old and outdated goals and emotions that anchor us to much in the past and keep us from the potential of the future.

Mars has been reborn in his own home of Scorpio, here he has all of the resources available for adequate strength, energy, and passion. He is a pattern detective here, and his nose is always pressed down to the path of truth and authenticity. As he sets out on his next adventure, let us not be like Orion chasing old ghost foes, but use this time as he regains visibility in the skies to hold off on the external battle and tend to past wounds that can set us free to achieve the new dreams we set in place. Put to rest the past emotional patterns that no longer serve the path towards personal freedom.

I write this post listening to Bjork, who natally has both the Moon and the Sun in Scorpio. She intuits the subterranean patterns in humans, emotions, the experience of life, and transfers all of this into her music and art. I’ll leave you with these lyrics to help navigate the new Moon in Scorpio.


All these accidents

That happen

Follow the dot


Makes sense

Only with you

You don't have to speak

I feel

Emotional landscapes

They puzzle me

Then the riddle gets solved

And you push me up to this

State of emergency

How beautiful to be

State of emergency

Is where I want to be


Obscured by Clouds


Planetary Apothecary: An Eclipsing Opposition