5.08.23 Moon Tracks

This week’s mantra, “It was joy that began the cycle, and it will be joy that I will take across the finish line.”

In the sky, the Moon and the Sun met through the aspect of a Lunar Eclipse, on May 5th. This was a Full Moon fueled by surfacing, heavy emotions, hemmorhagic hearts, and perhaps slamming of doors that just need to stay shut. Hard conversations may of been had, secrets surfaced, wounds opened and now were applying the medicine. Closing out paths that only lead us further into heartache, we move on now.

The Moon has moved on and the week opens with Luna moving from optimisic Sagittarius to serious Capricorn, it was a needed respite but time progresses, as do the stars. Venus moved into the sign of Cancer on Sunday, joining Mars in the Moon’s domain. This invokes a motherly energy in the temple of the Moon, well-needed nourishment and kindness is easier to access. This ingress of Venus during the week of Mother’s Day is timely, a mothers role is to secure her childs environment with sustenance, both in the material and emotional sense. Venus adds this extra blanket of security and warmth to the protective shell of the crab who has hosted hostile Mars.

Wherever Cancer falls in your chart, where have you felt irritable or hostile, insecure? Venus will float through Cancer until June 5th, this is a great time to tune into your own home, the personal spaces you spend time in and give it a little extra TLC. This could be a room, a garden, a relationship, your mind. Clean, reorganize, move things around, add a little color and love to it during this period and see how it translates into your own personal, inner sanctuary of safety.

The Sun currently sits at 18 degrees of Taurus, the Moon has ruled this second decan of Taurus, 10-19 degrees. On May 10th, the Sun will shift into the final decan of Taurus at 20 degrees, which is ruled by a somber and stern Saturn. The movement from a Moon-ruled decan to a Saturn-ruled decan invokes a constriction that creates a more steadying effect, may be stern but also may add another level of saftey. This may be welcomed after the whirlwind of eclipse season, and could add a stabilizing assist to Uranus’s next electrifying aspect. This eclipse season, shadowed by a Uranus presence, has left many questions and maybe little answers. Surfacing information, collapsing systems, and roadblocks pushing against business as usual, has left many of us scrambling asking what’s next, what does the future look like?

A Sun that has been through two eclipses, and is now in the final degrees of the second decan, joins Uranus at 18 degrees on May 9th. This conjunction with the “Great Awakener” is a bright bombastic earthquake. It is the frosting on the ecliptic cake that begs for you to take a bite, but beware this saccharin shiny pill may take you down rabbit holes that offer no return. Uranus will shake the tree, but rarely helps rake up the mess. Some of us need the push, without it, many of our lives remain in the safety net of complacement and the rabbit hole is the only option of escaping repetitive cycles. This conjunction can leave us feeling re-inspired and seeing new perspectives. A Sun and Uranus conjunction can provide illuminated insight and even greater wisdom. The Moon quickly aspects both the Sun and Uranus on the 10th and then enters Aquarius, setting herself up for the Last Quarter phase.

A Last Quarter Moon in the sign of Aquarius, after an eclipse season, begs us all to take a deep breath and release any layers of tension. The demands and the work have been heavy, and as a collective we all need a moment. One cannot just move from task-to-task and not take a respite and reflect.

On a personal level, I have been training for the last 16 weeks for a 25K race, which is on Saturday. My goal at the onset of this wasn’t necessarily a time, though of course I put that pressure on myself and have had to retract. No, the goal was to retain joy. The joy has ebbed and flowed, which I knew it would do as training peaked and demanded higher output of energy, that is why it is such a tough goal. The body and mind go through a death and rebirth cycle over and over when training for a race. Each week you build up both the body and the mind to push harder by breaking it down in the process, and then it regenerates and rebuilds to come back stronger. This is the idea anyways.

I am currently in a deloading phase, allowing my body to absorb, recover and recharge in time for the demands I will ask of it on Saturday. This tapering phase of activity deloads the physical, but can start to load the mind with a lot of doubt, phantom pain and insecurities. Idle body can rev up the mind, and the mind is insanely powerful. I have to allow unhelpful thoughts to fall away, trust the physical process of the work I have invested, and allow the equation to click. I have to take a breath, relax the body and clear the mind as the Moon darkens and returns to a meditative yin phase. Like the Moon, I too go from yang to yin.

Venus will trine Saturn on raceday, adding a helpful dose of heart to what could be a very serious structured plan. Venus wants to remind us to remember the joy, and this will be my week’s meditation, “It was joy that began the cycle, and it will be joy that I will take across the finish line.” Venus is the mother encouraging her child that she can do anything she sets her mind to, she is the mother that nourishes our dreams, the plans and the paths we forge.

We celebrate the mother on Sunday, Mercury also turns direct on the 14th. Mercury moving out of retrograde, further helps spring clean your mental processes and let the cobwebs slip from your mind. This is a dynamic week for finding solutions to stubborn problems. It is a week of shifting terrain, illuminated insights, and resecuring your own personal environment.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you out there who have fed and nourished other’s bodies, hearts, and dreams. We celebrate you!


5.15.23 Moon Tracks


5.01.23 Moon Tracks