5.01.23 Moon Tracks

Happy May Day! May 1st, Beltane, which celebrates the mid-point to summer and the apex of Spring comes on the exact point where Mercury is also half-way through his retrograde cycle. Today, Mercury moves back into the heart of the Sun, also known as a cazimi, when a planet joins the Sun at the exact degree. This is at 11 degrees of Taurus, which is also the decan ruled by the Moon and in the bounds of Mercury. As we celebrate the return of the Sun and the light peaking, today offers us a chance of a renewal. Mercury retrogrades have the notorious reputation of setbacks and stalemates, but they have benefits too like revision or do-overs. Mercury in the heart of the Sun, retrograde or not, is a strong positive position when it comes to mercurial themes. such as communication, technology, business, medicine, markets and travel to mention just a few. Cazimi’s are a point for revelation. Perhaps a hidden communication, a secret, an unseen insight surfaces at this point.

The Moon herself is in the sign of Virgo today, where Mercury has ultimate rulership, both through domicile and exaltation. This is a practical earthy Moon who receives an assist from a bright, shiny new Mercury. When Mercury hits the heart of the Sun through retrograde, this day offers us a second opportunity to get things right and promises success. Mercury going through the heart of the Sun is a rebirth, a return as a early rising morning star. Perhaps you planted literal or metaphorical seeds too early at the end of April (I mean maybe just maybe I am speaking of myself), use this powerful day to re-sow those seeds. Beltane honors the earth and celebrates the bursting forth of spring and potential growth. Do not give up, light your own fire. Chant your own fertility prayer to what you wish to flourish this season.

Another planet, Pluto, has stationed to a stand still and today turns retrograde in the sign of Aquarius. This retrograde also relates to revision or rethinking. Being an outer planet, which is closely associated with the collective, this revision in Pluto’s retrograde may be aligned with rethinking the speed and integration of technology, such as AI. I and others, have spoke countless times to Pluto’s movement and signification into Aquarius.

Pluto In Aquarius

Moving at a snail’s pace, Pluto has only dipped into Aquarius, lending hints to what he is all about this time around. Needless to say, since his arrival in March, the breakneck speed around certain innovations like ChatGPT and its many generations in such a small window of time is mentally exhausting. Pluto now pauses, reconsiders, and perhaps regulates how we proceed. I wouldn’t be surprised too see further regulations between now and October, a turnabout, around AI or other powerful tech advances. Upgrading laws to upgrading tech.

The Moon now starts setting herself up for the big game day, the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th. First though, she must square Mars from Libra. This matters, because Mars is the ruler of the coming eclipse. This square, Mars dominates from a superior position, and warns the Moon of a rougher road ahead. The Lunar eclipse in Scorpio is the last eclipse in this sign and is in a sense wrapping up the story. The Moon then goes on to have many challenging aspects, including an opposition to Jupiter and a  square to Pluto right as she enters Scorpio. This foretells of a possible tidal wave churning up the ecliptic energetic river. Underneath all of our feet flows a pathway of possibilities that connects the North and South Nodes, and it is eclipses that activate wave sets, like a surfer spotting the next wave to catch. In between each set wave is seemingly placid water, yet really it is full of hidden potentials and outcomes. The planet Uranus is present amongst all of this, and Uranus’ role is one to knock the tower down and facilitate change.

Scorpio is a watery, emotional sign of heavy armor that can be locked up under layers of cool deattachment. The work that has been going on in this house, wherever it falls in your chart hasn’t been easy. There have been hard decisions to make, and things you have had to release. Locating the emotions and pulling it to the surface is a challenging excavation in this sign. Lunar Eclipses signify closing doors, and this last eclipse in Scorpio speaks to further letting go, a completely cathartic release this time around, and then we move on. This eclipse may feel like a feverish release, where you need to peak on your outrage, sweat it out and let it all just flow on down the river for good. Honor the purge that bubbles up, even this is sacred.

This may further be triggered by Venus and Neptune squaring up on May 4th. This aspect by sensual and compassionate Venus and illusory Neptune can bring to light deceptive acts, disappointing outcomes, hopefuls bubbles popping. 

Neptune has a way of refracting light in a fragmented sense, and paired with an eclipse blocking the primal essence from the Sun, a newly cazimi Mercury and a Pluto retrograde, it feels like a big reveal and newly forked path. I echo this sentiment again as the Moon’s very next aspect is an opposition to Uranus, who can bring sudden changes and unexpected action. 

This week is active, there is revision and release in the air.  The closing out of the week brings a healthy dose of comfort, Venus enters Cancer on May 7th.  The goddesses, smoothing the rough edges of Mars in the Moon’s temple is a harmonious companion. Venus joining Mars, the ruler of the last two eclipses, can help disarm us from our greatest worries, injects compassion where hostility lives, and restores a glimmer of hope to any challenging situation. Venus can help us feel safe again, whether it is in our home, in our relationships, in our body. A Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio can put all of this on high alert, recognize and honor the act of release and renewal of our darker angels. Let us move into next week feeling a little more secure and a little more loved.


5.08.23 Moon Tracks


Nick Cave- An Astrological Reflection of Two Houses