Aries III- 20-29 Degrees

Aries III: 4 of Wands, Lord of Completion

The exalted Sun in Aries has moved into the third decan, which occupies the degrees 20-29. Aries is ruled by Mars, yet this decan is ruled by his secret lover, Venus. This decan is represented by the 4 of Wands in tarot, and in the Rider-Waite Smith deck it is illustrated by two figures holding hands, raised in a sense of accomplishment. A celebration of completion seems to be translated through this card. This decan is called the “Lord of Completion.” It is ruled by the number 4, which is a number associated with the planet Jupiter and with building structures. Squares consist of 4 sides, and to square up a matter, is to bring it to its completion.

The Aries series, 2,3,4 of Wands is a journey and one that was began by the Fool. Really the Fool is to be considered at the outset of all of the minor arcana stories unfolding. A journey that commences filled with excitement, curiosity, minimal real-world knowledge and even ignorance. We started this journey at the Spring Equinox, Aries I. From then we traveled with initiating action on new creative ideas and endeavors. Just as the New Moon grows in light, helping to encourage root growth on the freshly planted seeds, Aries II led us into actualized action and road maps. Aries III is likened to the Full Moon of this cycle, full Venusian blooms burst forth from idealized seeds planted just weeks ago. Venus bridges the heat of decan I and II rulers, Mars and the Sun, tempers it into tangible creations. 

Time for review- How did it go? Is there a sense of accomplishment, were your goals met? What were you surpised by, was there a level of ignorance in your earlier ideas or ideals that made you revise your plans? 

This decan commences at the outset of a Jupiter cazimi, which I explore extensively here if you would like to read further on it.

Use this week to really wrangle in proposed plans and see how you can deliver the proverbial gold. 


4.17.23 Moon Tracks


4.10.23 Moon-day Musing