Jupiter’s Grand Finale

Jupiter’s Grand Finale

The house of Taurus is ripe for sustained growth, and ready to endure all you have been building. Jupiter and the Sun together shine a bright spotlight calling your goals and visions home. As both the Sun and Jupiter move through the final degrees of Taurus together, they are asking you to bring it on home. 

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Garden New Moon

Garden New Moon

May 7, 2024, we get a New Moon in the sign of Taurus, a fixed earth sign, ruled by Venus. The Moon in Taurus holds a royal place of exaltation in this zodiac sign, the lunar luminary holds court here. This New Moon is earthy, Venusian, and focused on more nuanced meaning and values. It encourages us to slow our life down, asks us to add more qualitative time elements to our Taurus garden sector in our chart. 

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Fixed Water, Full Moon

Fixed Water, Full Moon

Light and water flow in one direction under this Full Moon in Scorpio. This Full Moon occurs in the fixed water sign of Scorpio, picture a river that only flows in one direction. Prior to the perfection of the Full Moon, the Moon squares Pluto in the fixed sign of Aquarius. In astrology, this is considered transference of light. The Moon gathers the energy of Pluto in Aquarius and brings it forth into the full refraction of the Full Moon, further coloring planetary energy of this transit.

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Dynamism, DragonFire & Cheerios

Dynamism, DragonFire & Cheerios

Astrologically, Uranus can signal a revolution, a breakthrough, a great disruption that jumps the current track and switches direction. Uranus is associated with Prometheus, the bringer of fire to the people, providing a “God” technology to the earthly human. Uranus, the disruptor switches tracks. Jupiter is symbolically associated with law, wisdom, courts and magistrates, it points to values, ethics, and morals. Jupiter seeks to expand and amplify. Jupiter is coined the greater benefic, known for great blessings and fortune. When the two planets come together in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, we may see an explosion of new innovative technology especially in the realm of mundane matters like the food industry, the stock market, environmental concerns, and public health. This is a combination of dynamism.

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