Garden New Moon

Garden New Moon

May 7, 2024, we get a New Moon in the sign of Taurus, a fixed earth sign, ruled by Venus. The Moon in Taurus holds a royal place of exaltation in this zodiac sign, the lunar luminary holds court here. This New Moon is earthy, Venusian, and focused on more nuanced meaning and values. It encourages us to slow our life down, asks us to add more qualitative time elements to our Taurus garden sector in our chart. 

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Astrological New Year
Spring Equinox, Aries Ingress, 2 of Wands, Tarot Molly Curtis Spring Equinox, Aries Ingress, 2 of Wands, Tarot Molly Curtis

Astrological New Year

Spring begins late on the eve of March 19th at 11:07 pm est. The Sun shifts out of Pisces and into Aries. This is the beginning of the solar new year in the northern hemisphere. The Sun has traveled through the entire zodiac, enduring the final death throes of winter as he swam through the Piscean waters that holds equally to the dark and light, winter and spring. Light has prevailed. Aries season commences and we begin again. Renewed, recharged, rearmed and blissfully hopped up on straight shots of Vitamin D. 

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