Liberation & Lunation

Aries Full Moon, ruled by Mars in Libra, warming us up for next month eclipses.

The Full Moon in Aries occurs September 29, early morning here in the midwest. Now we are not quite in eclipse season yet, but the Aries and Libra axis are where the lunar nodes that dictate eclipses currently reside. For it to be an eclipse, we need the Sun and Moon to move closer to the nodes by degree. Currently the nodes are at 24 degrees, and the Full Moon is occurring at 6 degrees Aries. Let us not completely dismiss this lunation as just another monthly Full Moon, it is believed that this particular lunation is lending hints at the next 18 months of all our lives.

The ruler of the Full Moon, Mars, is joined with the south node in Libra. Mars in Libra is in his toughest position. Mars is weakened not only by dignity, but by his own life cycle in relation to the Sun. This is an old Mars, awaiting to die and be reborn as a morning star November 18th. For now, he wanes in his fight and is tired of being on defense, perhaps he even waves the white flag. Maybe you are tired of fighting and defending. Mars joining the South Node can be seen as a personal clearing during this Full Moon, moving us past old wars, letting down crumbling, decaying walls, blowing past ancient ghosts that no longer have the same power they once did. Mars conjunct the south node can be seen as inflammation decreasing around a wounded site.

On this same day, Uranus and Venus meet for a final time through a square aspect. I have written on both of the previous two aspects Tryptych Transit of Liberation 1 and Tryptych Trasnit of Liberation 2. This final, third square of Venus who is now cruising direct after her long retrograde season and Uranus who is currently retrograde, are wrapping up their business. This closing square to the triptych transits had us fully examining what we value, where we find joy, how and who we love, enduring sudden eruptions to what we once thought was peace on our path, only to find out that maybe just maybe things have changed. Uranus is the tower in the tarot that initiates a crisis, this could of been a love crisis, a friendship falling out, or an inner peace conflict. In the tarot, the Star follows, bringing hope, redemption, renewal of the spirit, liberation. During the last few months, we have had to rexamine where we devote time, who and what receives it, and even been blessed with creative bonfires that popped up out of the blue. The closing square of Venus and Uranus is the final push to secure the inner liberation we have been cultivating, whether it be in a partnership, friendship, in our appearance to the external world, in a creative matter, or a career move. Personal expansion, more tuned in values, and freedom to move in your world with full access is what has been on the table.

In one sense, with the Full Moon we are beginning a new journey and closing out a chapter. One door closes, another opens. We walk into the light of this Full Moon, it is illuminating the Aries house of independence, courage and creative passions. The Sun in Libra, a place that takes into consideration the other over ourself is held in tension. 

The closing square of Venus to Uranus under the light of the Full Moon initiates us into the next leg of the journey. Maybe this time we rediscover and pursue a long lost dream, a misplaced desire is unearthed, a reorientation to our passions and personal needs remembered.

I pulled two cards in light of this bright lunation, first card represents what is conscious within us, 6 of Pentacles, and the other points to the unconscious matter, 9 of Pentacles, the antidote to what brings us deeper into our own journey. It is fitting for the Libra*Aries axis. 

The conscious material we hold is the 6 of Pentacles. This card is about service to others, especially in the earthly, material realm in. It is through the realm of the material, our fortune, our orientation to the Moon, that we are given the opportunity to serve the spirit. How we show up and give, the man is holding the scales, representative of Libra and her scales of balance and justice. This card here symbolizes growth within ourself that shows the balance to life is to equally give and receive. If we accumulate riches, glory, spiritual wisdom, we shouldn’t hoard it, we should share what we can with the world around us. Yet how much do we give and how much do we receive? This is Libra’s achilles heel, serving others while depleting inner resources. The scales in both the 6 of Pentacles and the scales of the zodiac, remind us to go back to the well, fill our bucket when we become parched, emotinally, mentally, spiritually. If your own scales are imbalanced, something or someone suffers.

The unconscious material is the 9 of Pentacles. The woman is alone, with a bird in a lush garden dripping with pentacles. She seems content, relaxed and fulfilled. In a sense, the Aries lunation and the final Venus*Uranus sqaure both represent our self-perception, reflecting on our worth, our value to self and others. Once we get that straight, we may find the way we devote resources to others is just as important in how we treat ourself. Our own personal relationship to self, should be just as thoughtful and kind to others. Let it be a mirror. What is reflecting back to you?

9’s in tarot begin the closing out of a cycle we have been on, and we have harvested all the hard work that came before us during the Venus retrograde of personal evaluation to self, to others, and to the projects we invest in. Are you happy, content, does this garden make you feel at peace or uncomfortable? The grapes are hanging low on the vine, ready for harvest. What are you harvesting from the summer and how can you move this knowledge and wisdom forward to not only others in your life, but within your own spirit for ultimate peace, and contentment. Take pleasure in all the effort you invested, slow it down and enjoy the fruits. We need to synthesize all the nutrients before we move forward again in activity.


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