Mutual Reception - A Working Relationship

This week we endure two planetary sign changes, October 4th, Mercury moves into the sign of Libra and Venus bids adieu to Leo who has housed her since early June and enters Virgo on the 8th. Both planets have spent a great deal of time in each sign due to their retrograde motion. Let us explore each one.

Mercury loses dignity when he leaves his home of Virgo, there he had rulership through both domicile and exaltation, making him a very strong planetary signature. He was able to accomplish with ease mercurial tasks like seeing all of the little details it takes to complete the big picture, communicating effectively, despite a blip in the retrograde. Mercury moves into the sign of Libra, the scales, where he will now answer to Venus’ bidding. Here he will look for compromise, assist on keeping the scales balanced, and may even serve as an intermediary when Mars and the South Node stir up trouble. Mercury will remain in Libra until the 22nd of October.

Venus has finally moved out of Leo. She was on a very long, enduring, soul searching journey all summer long. This journey had her exploring her inner daemon, the bubbling inspiration to dream, create, and nurture. Venus has had many of us turning inwards, asking us to examine our self-worth, our values, our shadows, and personal relationships. We should be well on our way with a more intimate knowledge of what is we wish to create in our world, who we want to keep in and keep out, and what moves us to tears of happiness and sadness. Our inner compass may of been a bit wonky mid-summer, yet lately its pinging true north. 

A value showdown may present itself when Venus enters Virgo. Venus will immediately oppose Saturn in Pisces, 1 degree, on October 10th. This may ask us to retrieve the hard fought lessons we learned during her retrograde and throw the wisdom down, creating firmer boundaries, speaking up for our fair share, looking to be recognized, and further filtering out that which does not make us feel whole or loved.

Venus in Virgo is also in her fall, she does not perform well there and struggles with the hard driving mental faculties that Virgo demands. Venus in Virgo is constrained by straight lines and acute angles, and struggles with more abstract concepts. Yet there is a hidden strength for the month of October, and that is Venus is in Mercury’s home sign, and Mercury is in Venus’ home sign, the two have mutual reception.

Mutual reception, according to ancient astrologers, allows the two planets that share residences to share resources. Mercury is able to access Venus’ resources easier, and Venus can borrow freely from Mercury, together they benefit and assist one another. Though they make no aspect to one another, they still can assist the tasks of each landlord. Venus may be able to help the Virgo region of ones chart by taking all of Mercury’s savvy organizing skills and ordering them in a more eye-pleasing way, such as reordering a record collection by genre. Mercury can bring a compassionate ear to disgruntled situations, and even offer a third unseen solution to what once was stalemate. 

We can work with these transits this month, and we will need to. Eclipse season is just around the corner, and both Mars and Pluto will be rearing there instigating heads very soon. Stay tuned into the stars and feet on the ground. Until next week…


Casting of Shadows


Liberation & Lunation