Astrology Speaks: Venus Trine Uranus

An earthy aspect, full of dynamic insight for you to ground and anchor in too.

Astrology Speaks is a reflective series on how the many ways a transit manifests. Whether this be a personal direct experience or an observation on the collective, this is meant to help catalog and understand better how the planetary transits add a qualitative experience to time.

December 2, 2024 09:26 am est

Venus in Capricorn trine Uranus rx in Taurus 24.36°

This transit occured in earth signs, ushering in unique surges of creative and compassionate energy that is dynamic and equally grounding and empowering. This energy was building as early as November 30 and can be felt until Dec 5th.

Imagine a lighting bolt hitting a mountain top, the earth will consume this energy, producing a ground current. That energy will travel outwards along the ground surface, and anyone in close proximity will absorb this electrifying shock. 

Personal Astrological Observation

On the day of this transit, I attended a yoga/meditation workshop led by two amazing healers, Natalie LaBute-Brasset and Danika Sames. The focus of this workshop was centered on the concept of empowerment, grounding and anchoring into places of strength for the holiday season. Often the holiday season can invoke elements of anxiety, depression, and a hastiness of time that removes us from being present in the spirit. The workshop led us through various meditations, provoking thoughts of gratitude, strength, and being present in our body and mind. There was an emphasis on not fixating on the negative thoughts that will manifest into real lived experiences, but rather how to zoom in on the joy that already is present, along with what encourages inner strength and to keep recalling that forth into to produce equally beautiful future moments.

The yoga sequences brought us further into our body and reminded us of our untapped wells of endurance that allow us to stay in pose for just a few more breaths, and assist us in clearing the chatter that allows us to move deeper into the next mindful meditation. The time moving on the mat also called us to ground into the present earth and feel the qualitative element of time. 

Venus was present on this night, sent into the room as an uplifting bolt of encouragement and acceptance that emitted ground currents of compassion and understanding. There was a creative element to this workshop, altering between mindful mediation and movement, setting the intentions and clearing the energy pathways. Venus and Uranus worked together like jumper cables on the heart, shocking us back into the meaning of all of this.

Before entering the workshop I could already feel the patterns of the holidays creeping in with the usual anxieties that seem to hit right about now. I was already telling myself, “Do not respond like you usually do," which is moving with great speed and intensity to the demands of the holiday bustle, but also slightly disassociating from real human interaction while loosing the meaning of the season all together.

I left the workshop with a greater sense of wholeness, and a deep gratitude of all the beautiful things that are already present in my life. I left with the goal of remaining focused on feeding this beauty and less about feeding the anxiety of the materialistic demands of the holidays. I left there feeling more focused on spirit and how my own spirit invests itself in the material realm. This has been a heavy weight on my mind for quite some time now, the timing of this workshop was perfect to workshop this more existential brain game.

Venus and Uranus

Electrifying the soul.

Jumpstarting the heart. 

The transit yesterday was occurring in my 5th house of joy, passion and creativity and it was also connecting to my 9th house of spirituality, higher mind and philosophy. Venus in her joy in the 5th house, surrounded by women on a yoga mat, where I feel at my strongest in mind and body. Uranus in my personal temple of God, electrifying and grounding my churning thoughts around my soul’s time here in the material realm. I do believe I received some real guidance on what I need to bring into my everyday to feel empowered, strong and connected to humanity.  It shocked my unconscious into a state of presence, reminding me to call in gratitude, love, and personal meaning into all moments. 

Closing Thoughts On This Holiday Season

Where do you feel at your strongest? How can you feel more connected to your inner strength this holiday season when the overwhelming business of the holidays starts to rob you of your own focus and intentions.

How can you bring more of your spirit into the material overwhelm of the holidays?

I am reminded to reach out to those who may be overwhelmed by the holidays. A phone call, a card, a warm meal, a donation or two to a family in need. I am reminded to stay connected to the activities that do empower and nourish me, like time in nature, a good run, yoga, and lifting heavy. I am reminded to listen to music that connects me to winter, such as earthy Celtic music. I am reminded to strengthen my prayer and gratitude this season, and remain connected to the spirit.

Share your ideas below, we can all learn from one another.


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