Cancer New Moon
Allow the imagination to take root…
The new moon in Cancer holds a special place in my heart. For one, this is my sun sign, one that I share with two other sisters. This new moon takes place on one of their birthday’s and begins to separate in aspect on the other. Growing up, this has been a week of joy and celebration. Three birthdays in one week, in addition, I was born on my parent’s anniversary. That is a lot of ancestral energy packed into six days. We will be celebrating this new cycle around the Sun together on the third sister’s birthday, all very lunar.
The Moon herself is the Lord of Cancer, this I expanded on in my last series on the solstices. The Moon has great power in this sign, and she rules over the mind, the body, our community and our fortune. Cancer was considered a gateway, where spirit came down and turned into matter. The Moon is the luminary light overseeing this matter, and as quickly as she moves, so does our lives, our fortunes, our dramas. The phases of the moon seem to tell a story, it is cyclical and relevant to our own. The new moon phase, which is the beginning step for a moon that just went through the aging process, is young, hopeful, optimistic and wishing to take form.
Many astrologers compare the new moon in terms of gardening, a seed that is just being planted. Not until the first quarter culminates is when the roots of the seed will be established and start drawing deeper nutrients. Until then, the seeds and the idea are not much more than concepts. The concepts are slowly moving into form, each day as the moon gains a little more light from the primary mover, the Sun. The Sun is what provides the light and life, the Sun is the ideal form and concept. The moon attempts to capture this form to its best ability, and sometimes the final result falls short or is a contorted image of what we had in mind. This is the reality of what ancient astrologers called this realm, the sub-lunar realm, under the rule of the Moon. We may strive for the ideal image that Sun is wishing to provide, but in reality we are heavily influenced by the lunar light.
As the Moon swiftly moves through her phases, our own lives sweep forward in her patterned steps. Being aware of this symbolic stepping helps us all prepare and breathe a little easier. Knowing what we are planting now will take patience and nurturing attention, allows us more mental space. Also knowing that even though we may start with an ideal image, what may transpire could be a blurry replica or even a hybrid of two different seeds coming together, grafting a whole new image. This is the beauty of the process of creation, whether it be a child or an idea. We begin in one manner, and then nature and the divine imparts influence.
The new moon in Cancer plants seeds in the area of your life where the sign of Cancer falls. During this period, Jupiter in Aries will be having a pleasant conversation with Venus in Gemini, also Jupiter and the Sun will be in a square configuration. Though squares have the reputation for bringing conflict and difficulties, ancient astrologers viewed the benefics in square aspect, like Jupiter, as resulting in a more positive outcome. Whatever seeds you are planting now, will have the added boost of Jupiter and Venus encouraging abundant growth with proper nutrition, creativity and possibly even an adjustment to the picture in your mind. Jupiter in Aries is courageous and playful. Listen to his wisdom, he may just push you a little further than your comfort zone, but who knows what lies in the grafting of his deep knowledge? Possibly an image bigger and more ideal than you even dreamt.
If you are curious where Cancer is in your natal chart, reach out to me and let us divine.