Open Heart and Patient Perspective

On July 5th, Mars entered Taurus and will remain there until August 20th. Mars has moved from its once comfortable and fiery home of Aries, where it had great dignity and now has moved into its detriment, a place where the planet becomes debilitated and challenged to perform its function. 

Mars is the planet that is known as the lesser malefic in traditional astrology, and has been attributed to division and separation, cutting and sharp objects, warfare and exile, assertiveness and competition. Like any planet, we can find the light and dark nature if we are open to all perspectives. Mars may war, but he can also get the job done.

Mars entering Taurus, we find the god of war now in Venusian gardens. Taurus is the home of Venus, the goddess of love, and she seeks to host with a nurturing, loving touch. When Mars arrives, he certainly heats things up, but he still is a guest and must abide by Venus’ rules. She won’t necessarily allow the in-fighting that he seeks, but fiery passion, perhaps. Mars in Taurus may bring a burning focus to tasks that needed more concentrated energy, you may find yourself finding the mental resources to finally attack a project that calls for endurance. 

Mars lives to move fast, and get things done, for better or for worse. In Taurus, a fixed sign, he may feel like his feet are treading in muck. This is the sign of the bull, and here in Venus’ earthy abode, time moves slower, tasks meticulously unfold and are certain in action. Mars may get frustrated, not being able to assert and execute, yet he may learn a thing or two slowing his actions down and taking the time to review, question and maybe even discard that which is not needed. This is the period where grounded action is much more useful and fruitful. During Mars sojourn, discipline will be tested.

On August 1, Mars will join Uranus in Taurus at 18 degrees, which is also conjoined the north node. Uranus, the god of revolution and bringer of quick insight and sudden change, will be activated with fiery, excited yet tempered energy. Up to this point, time may have seemed to be moving very slow, and not much being accomplished. Mars and Uranus coming togehter, may feel like a burst of rocket fuel. It is still important to keep your feet on the ground if possible.

The very next day, Venus will be in sextile to this configuration. Sextile aspects are the nature of Venus, and bring a harmonizing energy that seeks to soothe and unify a situation. IPerhaps Mars and Uranus encourage a change of course that had been steadily plodding along, Venus could step in and creatively offer solutions. Or maybe an area of your life, suddenly experiences discord or disruptions that would normally throw everything into a tailspin, Venus may ease the tensions, reassuring the situation’s new path forward will still be functional.

By the time of this transit, Venus will be floating through Cancer’s protective waters, and is in tune with what needs to be explored, held gently and nourished. She will be the salve to whatever Mars and Uranus inflame in the beginning of the month. In the meantime, remember to tread slowly, tune into the areas that call for endured focus and meet your passionate warrior with an open heart and a patient perspective. 


Full Moon in Capricorn


Cancer New Moon