Good Fortune Gemini

Good Fortune Gemini

Gemini rests on the fulcrum of light and dark, and Mercury the psychopomp loves to journey the realms of night and day, swimming on the surface and diving deeper into the abyss, rising up to the highest point of the xenith and then descending to the underworld. The building of planets in this mutable temple, especially the two benefic planets, have us exploring these internal realms within ourself and at the same time providing us with the perfect big picture insight to negotiate what is best for our mind and relationships.

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Zeus Takes Flight
Jupiter Enters Gemini Molly Curtis Jupiter Enters Gemini Molly Curtis

Zeus Takes Flight

May 25th, Jupiter enters the sign of Gemini, joining the Sun and hot on the heels of Venus who also entered shortly after the Full Moon. The two benefics ride into this masculine air sign, a sign of curiosity, mental stimulation, passionate conversation. Zeus has moved out of the fixed, solid earth of Taurus, where land was king and there was a universal understanding to what worked and what didn’t. Anything that wasn’t useful, sustainable, of value was discarded, and all that did feed and nourish was fed exponentially. 

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