Casting of Shadows
Libra Solar Eclipse, Mars in Scorpio Molly Curtis Libra Solar Eclipse, Mars in Scorpio Molly Curtis

Casting of Shadows

The two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, are being occulted October 14th, many ancient cultures viewed eclipses as bad omens, fortelling misfortune. Eclipses in general are not ideal spaces for playing around ritually or with magic, but rather more quiet, passive practices like prayer, journaling, and observing are advised. Watching the thoughts that flow in and out, like the wave sets of eclipses, let the ripples bring it into consciousness and just observe it slipping away, do not try to possess it. The etymological root of eclipses in Greek is ekleipsis meaning “the abandonment” or “the downfall.” This is a period of letting go, shedding, and releasing.

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