Gaia’s Ghost Ships

Gaia’s Ghost Ships

Saturn will remain retrograde until November 15, 2024, where it will station direct at 12 degrees. Neptune will remain retrograde until December 7, 2024, where it will station direct at 27 degrees. Both planets retrograding in Pisces are like the ghost ships dropping anchor, dredging the floor of the soul, and kicking back whispers from the shadowlands. Consider Saturn’s sickle making tiny micro-cuts into your deepest fears, disillusions, and wounds. The sickle, like the anchor, stirs and releases the seabed of spirits and shadows in the soul’s oceanfloor. This act which can inflict immense discomfort also is an act of purification. The bloodletting of these retrogrades may be just what you need to purge, heal, and unite the spirit to heart. From here, we can pull anchor, purify the Piscean sea and let our ghosts set sail once and for all.

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