Lunations of October

October lunations, which include a Libra solar eclipse on the 2nd and a full Moon in Aries on the 17th, are respectively ruled by Venus and Mars. Both lunations together speak to a narrative around what we deeply desire, how we fight for it, and how we orient ourself going forward. There is a lot of watery emotional energy behind these lunations, which can make us feel this with deep passion and drive to transmute our current position.

The final chapter is closing out on the Libra eclipse Oct 2nd. The first one began Oct 2023 at 21° Libra. This particular Libra solar eclipse is with the south node, which can point to what we are clearing out as we begin a new season. It is always important to know which house the eclipses are occurring in, which lends hints to the topics at hand.

The sign of Libra is certainly concerned with value and balance. This part of your chart is constantly trying to adjust the scales to reflect personal worth, value, fairness, and truth. When your world feels level, it is easier to perceive the beauty all around you. When your worlds is off tilt, we focus too greatly on the flaws and cracks permeating the foundation. 

If the eclipse is occurring in your 2nd house of how you make your money, personal assets and finances, you may be letting go of certain spending habits, adjusting how you spend and what you value or even shifting how you make money. Your relationship towards your own self-worth and how it is reflected in how you spend and how you are in relation to others may be on display emotionally.

Perhaps the eclipses in Libra have been occurring in your 7th house of marriage, and you and your partner have been working quite diligently to establishing better boundaries or really listening to each others needs in order to be in better alignment with one another. Maybe there is a clearing out of old patterns that isolated the partnership. This eclipse can open more clarifying doors around emotional needs and desires.

This particular eclipse cycle has been highlighting specific areas in our life that are calling for realignment, and this final one in Libra closes this story. What last couple steps do you need to fashion your outer life in order to reflect your inner story? This is what is called living in your truth, walking the road that best represents what you love, how you love and what you commit time to.

Venus In Scorpio- The Dark Domme

Venus the ruler of the eclipse, is forming a grand trine with Mars and Saturn, all in water signs. This particular Venus is in a challenging sign, but she may able to access better those core desires, stir those brooding waters that rest below perception. Recognizing what you need and implementing it can be quite challenging. Venus in Scorpio is more of a Mistress of the Night. It will be important for her to control and dominate and not be dominated. 

Venus in Scorpio may charge us enough to speak out and advocate for the hidden waters we dare to stir. Accessing the darker side of Venus isn’t implying you are bad or evil, it empowers the subconscious to push forth the shadows we shame into the darkness. Shaming the aspects of ourselves that we don’t like or understand, does not necessarily kill it, but only adds a perverted pressure. Dragging hidden needs, personal wants, edgier aspects of our ego into the light allow the perceived threats breath and space. Working in the light exposes what our soul is truly calling for. Maybe its just a desire to be truly seen, accepted, loved.

I quite like October 5th for calling forward these deeper desires. Venus and the Moon meet in Scorpio, two very difficult positions generally, but it is a call to intimate action. The Moon and Mars have do have communication with one another through mutual reception, which lends us the courage and power to call up those hidden parts of ourself that have challenges communicating in the light. We have been building emotional armor up to this point, preparing the heart for the battle. Mars does demand you to ask what is it you want? What are you even fighting for? Can you name it?

Venus, Domme of our Desires, fully clad in leather and whips, negotiating the equality of our heart. Protect your raison d’être, raison d’aimer.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 17th further activates this warrior energy, we again have the Moon and Mars back in mutual reception. Mars sits in a t-square aspect to this lunation. Venus hits Pluto on this same day through sextile, just as she begins to exit Scorpio. Release your battle cry.

Dive down one last time into the subterranean, did you misdirect, do you need to bury anything for safe keeping? The Prince of Darkness touches the Dark Priestess, imparting treasures of wisdom and possibly even healing older wounds. Our strengthened Queen bids adieu to her own shadowy desires that have alchemized into greater self-knowledge and prepares to fly into vast, bright, and promising terrain in Sagittarius.


Piscean Dark Waters