Overwhelming Aspects…
Active heavens during this New Moon phase.
The heavens are busy today, planets making many aspects during this New Moon in Virgo phase. Days like these, my mind flips like a gymnast trying to decipher the codes of planetary symbolism. I welcome it as a newer astrologer, a mental exercise of stellar heavy lifting.
There is a New Moon in Virgo perfecting at 3 degrees. The New Moon, which includes the Virgo Sun, is receiving a superior square aspect from Mars in Gemini. Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus are also rubbing up against one another at 18 degrees, also in a square aspect. Mercury, the ruler of both Gemini and Virgo, two signs being activated today, has moved out of its home sign ingressing into Libra at 0 degrees. Mercury no longer possesses the innate strength it had just a few days ago.
A lot is happening around a 3 degree mark, I first look at that hint with my numerological lenses, three is conception, when one and two come together and multiply, speaking to creation and creativity. New Moons signify emergence and new beginnings. What in your life is trying to emerge and push to the surface?
I see this as a story attempting to be written by Venus and Mercury ultimately. Venus rules Libra where Mercury has just entered and is also the ruler of Taurus where Uranus has been living. The square aspects are in the nature of Mars, there is conflict, irritation or push back, which in turn can lead to new action.
Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, creation and harmony. Mercury can symbolize our communication, our commerce, our mind, our business, even the underworld. Mercury is slippery, the trickster, the shape-shifter, very hard to hold onto what Mercury is really attempting to communicate, but communication is certain.
Perhaps it is hard to see or really grok at this time, as Mercury weakens its clear vision it once had in Virgo. Or maybe this vision or attempted action is receiving push back from Uranus, challenging Venus’ artistic eye.
The Moon has recently been in conjunction with Venus, eavesdropping on the Venus and Uranus’ conversation. The Moon translates the light of Uranus and Venus in its square aspect, a new creative bent, a unique and unprecedented way of presenting beauty may suddenly emerge and this New Moon in Virgo may just implement a better way.
As I type this, I am at a loss of a clear message, and I attribute this to Mercury slipping away from is domicile and exaltation, calling on a more codebreaking approach. What is trying to emerge, what are we on the precipice of creating? Have we been banging our heads to make something just work, but no matter what we do, we just cannot birth it into this world? Perhaps the next month, we will receive a better solution, a clearer pathway.
Mentally, any conflict stirring up at this point, irritation or aggravation should soothe through a creative process, be open to what is trying to break through. Perfectionism may not be the answer, be open to being flexible and innovative, not perfect.
By the first quarter, the first week of September, Mars will trine a stationing Mercury, which will eventually turn retrograde. This will be a critical point in the problem solving, pay attention to what is coming in around this period, there will be things to revisit, hopefully with a keener, clearer eye.
Use this New Moon in Virgo as a time to declutter, organize and prepare the way for what wants to emerge in the coming weeks. Revisit my “Virgo Season” musing for other ways to remediate the planetary energy coming through.