Virgo Season
Focused determination and judgement…
Virgo season sets in during the final stretch of summer, the Sun is still high, but the evenings are closing in much sooner. The heat still presses down on the days in the northern hemisphere, but the light has a tinge of autumn hues that the trained eye and soul senses intimately. The harvest is calling, cozy fires and sweaters are on our minds. Virgo season ushers the nervous frenzy of stock piling the summers bounty before Libra season judges our performance.
Virgo is a mutable sign, representing the dualistic nature of light and dark, the present Sun and the coming early nights. It is ruled by Mercury, a mutable sign as well, having the power to traverse this realm and the underworld.
The Virgin Maiden, Virgo’s astrological mascot, is a story of one who oversees the harvest of the summer months, and when Libra season arrives, the scales are pulled forth and all will be weighed. The sword of justice will separate the wheat from the chaff.
Yet until then, we live within a space of awaited judgement and potential failure, which can draw forth anxiety. Virgo energy tends to over prepare, divide and count and recount, take stock and store, and mentally circle the equations. Being a Mercury ruled sign, mental activity is high and can possess great dexterity. Virgos can be very good at breaking down and building up systems, numbers and words dance on their tongues and fingertips. Craftsmanship and practical skill draw near to those with strong Virgo placements. This mental agility and strong drive can lead to mental exhaustion, perfectionism and burn out as well. Nervous anxiety that one has not done enough, well enough, is a tall shadow that hovers over Virgos.
The 8 of Pentacles in the Rider-Waite tarot deck posses the imagery of a solid Virgo energy, and captures the light and shadows perfectly of hardworking Virgo. 8 of Pentacles represents the first decan of Virgo, ruling the degrees 0-10. Virgo is an earth sign, and pentacles are symbolic of the earth element. The imagery depicts a focused man pounding out his craft, with repetition he perfects the system he implemented. There is great mental focus, skill and a well-executed system that is functional and practical. He has finished six of the 8 pentacles, with the eight awaiting his craftsmanship. He will complete it. This decan and this sign, Virgo, is one of skilled trade, hard-work, focused energy and refinement.
Mental stress can hang heavy and overwhelm a Virgo, giving way to paralysis by analysis. Making final decisions or any decision under mental anguish is very real, swimming too deep into the details they can quickly loose objective.
Great stress relievers and mind alignment can be found in grounding exercises, and movement. This is a Mercury ruled sign, greater fluidity of mind can be found through moving the body first. Structured exercise like running for a distance or strength specific workouts are appealing to Virgos. Vinyasa yoga that flows and is well-balanced is also a great option to ground the mind. A sport like rock climbing that involves strategy, focus, connection to the earth and mental acuity could also be attractive.
Other mental activities that can be useful in soothing the mind, could be knitting or fiber arts in general, the patterns and earthy elements contain medicine.
A more difficult exercise for the overly concerned Virgo, just pulling the trigger and doing that thing that has been circling your mind, like a vulture consuming your time. Pushing past the fear and anxiety, allowing yourself to be vulnerable, is the antidote to perfectionism. Humility and grace may just sprout in time for the harvest.
I speak to all of this as a Virgo rising, and notice all of the above within myself and my real world experiences. If you have strong Virgo placements, where do you see the lights and shadows of this mutable sign appearing in your own life?