Plutonic Lessons Learned
Final harvest of Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto stations direct at 29° Capricorn once last time beginning on October 11, 2024. This will be last the movement in the last degree forward in our lifetime for this planet in Capricorn. Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008. Wherever Capricorn is in your natal chart, there has been profound exploration, tunneling, reconfiguring to this house. The work has been hard and it has been a long process. As Pluto sets to move out of Capricorn in November, this last pass at the anaretic degree is asking what last insights, what last details need to be wrapped up. This is the finishing work to the house you have been building. Something can be officially ending, a project, a relationship, a business. A phase may be over, the lessons were discovered and learned, and maybe its time to let go of this particular process.
A personal example, Pluto entered my 5th house of children and creativity in 2008. At this time I had been living across the US from my original home, and was residing in a small mountain town. I had been out there for 10 years. It was glorious in so many numerous way, but also something more subterranean in my deepest wells was calling me back home. There was a deep inner nudge to return back to my hometown in Michigan, be near my aging parents. This was also the first call to being a mother began to settle in. By 2009, that pull was irresistible and I moved back to my hometown. I was in a relationship by 2010 that would eventually turn to marriage, and my partner and I had our daughter in 2011. At the time of her birth, Pluto was exactly opposite my natal Sun. This was a real pivotal point for my main luminary. My own role in the world was shifting from independence to motherhood and wife. Also this was exactly when my father suffered his first massive heart attack that would force him into retirement and ultimately weakened his overall life force. He was never the same. Pluto*Sun harsher aspects can pattern death blows to father figures.
Fast forward to 2024, my daughter is entering her teen years and my mothering is certainly still relevant, but how I mother has shifted. She needs me less for those daily survival needs, but oh how I need to keep my ear to the plutonic earth listening for bellowing growing pains. She may need me more now, but it is certainly in a more liminal sense. It is hard to see how I am needed some days, but it always shows and reminds me of the precious job of being a mother guiding a soul through their own journey oh and of course car rides!
This last pass of Pluto has been reminding me how I need to shift and adjust my parenting as she develops into a young lady. I also see it in my hobbies and passions, those too have developed intensely under Pluto’s watch in my 5th house. I have found personal skills, creative outlets, passionate projects during this time. In 2008, I was loudly nudged to have my first craft show, which featured vintage purses and bags I had sown. From there I really delved into many textile arts, and held other shows. I found a deep passion for running and racing. I discovered my unfettering love for astrology and tarot. All of this developed since 2008. I reflect on this now and wonder how I can take all I learn and move it forward in a new way, one that looks different from the last 14 years. Some activities have waned and others increased. I do feel more in tune with this part of my chart and feel blessed to have spent time with Pluto here in my house of children and joy!