Rest is Allowed…

A Road to Recovery

This last week had brought some heavy astrological transits that I mused on in previous entries. Ancient astrologers and today’s astrologers, know that it is the approach to an aspect that ramps up the particular planetary energy. As the aspects perfect (meeting the exact degrees) it ramps, peaks, then as the aspect wanes, so does the energy. This last week was no exception, including a Uranus-Saturn square, Full Moon in Aries, and now the Mars-Neptune square. Other quicker transits like Mercury opposing Jupiter has a voice too, but it is a fast talker.

Today we move into the third decan of Libra, which coincides with Mars squaring Neptune. I did go over this transit in previous entry, but I will quickly recap this particular transit’s energy, and it will be a slow one that will revisit the collective again.

First it is a square configuration, which is essentially the nature of Mars, causing strife, inflammation and possible separation. Neptune can distort, blur, and confuse an individual. Neptune can also encourage one to dream big and be filled with a deep compassion, in a square configuration with Mars, this can show up as disillusionment, deception or complete self-absorption that can critically effect those around them.

Mars is currently in Gemini, a mutable air sign, while Neptune has been swimming the shores of Pisces, a very dreamy emotional placement. This square can bring great mental confusion, disillusionment, self-doubt, and opening of old wounds. There can be an inner harsh burning that is culminating, Mars encouraging sharp, cutting action or words and this can be easily misdirected. Attempting to prove a point with harmful actions.

This transit was already in the air when the Full Moon in Aries perfected on Sunday. Pressure of Mar’s warrior nature was culminating, stirring the seas of Neptune, perhaps even looking for a battle. Mars was also the ruler of the Moon’s peak luminosity in Aries.

Truth be told, I felt this personally, and even though I follow the astrology and try to grok it at a deeper level, it still tosses me around. This transit has hit particularly hard for two reasons, one is that it hits my angular placements in my birth chart, which speak loudly to major life themes, and Neptune is exactly conjunct my natal Moon.  This really showed up heavily in my partnership and in ancestral wounds that I have been seeking balm for since the first Mars-Neptune square back in January and the New Moon in Aries in April, it all resurfaced again!

My teacher, Adam Elenbaas, speaks to one of the reasons to study astrology is to not be completely grabbed by the planets and to remember to grab your umbrella when you know it is going to rain. I saw the storms brewing, the tides turning and I still jumped into the angry sea. Despite knowing the astrology, we can still get grabbed. Even in the power of a planetary chokehold and being literally tossed to my knees in prayer, I still thanked the Gods for this gift. This gift of reading the deeper symbolism, an intimacy I cannot always find in the mundane daily grind, and teaching me the really humbling lessons of self reflection, forgiveness, and unconditional love. Astrology never fails to leave me in utter awe.

As the Moon waned, so did my inflamed heart and mind, and I could find rest, space and perspective on so many levels. I also spoke to numerous individuals who experienced similar peaks over the weekend. I hope and pray to go forward in reflection and with a more embodied wisdom. Yet this will also require a sacrifice of speed, now is the time to slow down and reflect.

Returning to the third decan of Libra, between the dates of October 13 - October 22, we come to the 4 of Swords in the tarot, and a space ruled by the grace of Venus and Jupiter. The 3 of Swords, which was the tarot that corresponds to the second decan of Libra, pointed us to a sorrowful period, one that would bring tough realizations, heartache and karmic entanglement. The 4 of Swords brings us to a space of respite. It tells us it is time to withdraw, rest and gain clearer perspective.

When we are thrown around by the Gods, it is important to not distract and just move mindlessly forward, that is a great way to reassure a repeat ass kicking. Rest allows us to absorb and regenerate. It is not lazy, it is not distracting, it is healing. 

Take this next week to rest, sit in contemplation, allow the soul to absorb and mend. Give thanks and own the hard lessons learned. 


The Journey of Venus


Full Moon In Aries