Solar Musing
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

Solar Musing

Summer Solstice is a turning point in the year. A point of pause and reflection.

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3.13.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

3.13.23 Moon Tracks

“The Virgo Full Moon closes out and we get the waning light as we move into the Last Quarter lunar phase on the 14th. Typically waning phases are good for reflection rather than action, this may prove difficult considering other planetary transits occurring simultaneously. This week does not slow down after Saturn’s entrance into Pisces and the Full Moon. There may be a real need for a call of action, but is it a siren’s song? “

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1.30.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

1.30.23 Moon Tracks

The First Quarter Moon, in the earthy and nourishing fertile grounds of Taurus, started to test the connective tissues that bind us all together. Are we still tending to our gardens, and are we moving slow enough with enough intention to include or exclude what we would like to see flourish. Tissue that isn’t nourished will go necrotic, it lacks any blood flow. Where can we use more circulation of life force!

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1.16.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

1.16.23 Moon Tracks

As the Moon moves deeper toward her balsamic phase in Sagittarius, the Sun itself gets blotted out as he meets the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto, by conjunction. This intensification can be felt on a very real, mundane level in Capricorn. The ground under our own feet may feel the burning of these two merging. This is the interplay of light and shadow, what we crave and what we really need, burning obsessions may surface and we may find ourselves either struggling to fight back or fully going in.

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