Final Scramble Out of Cancer Season

Last day of Cancer Season brings us the second Capricorn Full Moon and a handful of impactful transits.

Cancer Season is winding down, but it does not dive quietly into the zodiac sea. On the last day of Cancer Season, July 21, we get a handful of impactful transits, including the second Capricorn Full Moon. Reminder, we bookended Cancer Season with the opening Capricorn Full Moon, June 21 and now we cap it with a second and final Capricorn Full Moon at the 29th degree. What makes this blue Full Moon even more intriguing is that it is essentially paired with Pluto. On July 22, as Leo Season opens, the Sun in Leo will oppose Pluto. Other intriguing transits on July 21: Uranus will square Mercury in Leo, Jupiter and Venus gently aspect one another, Mars and Pluto meet through a trine. Each aspect is not in a vacuum, but further paint a more complex picture of this full Moon lunation.

Weekend Transits

The Cancer/Capricorn axis, which has been activated for the last month, has us looking at a maturation phase in our own life. I wrote about this extensively in regards to the New Moon in Cancer that was midway through Cancer season. Saturn is the ruler of this Full Moon and has sternly embedded himself throughout the Crab’s honorary zodiacal period. The crab, being the symbolic mascot of Cancer, represents its need to personally protect, but also to be adaptable amongst a shifting environment. Like the ever-changing phases of Moon, the planetary ruler of Cancer, the crab must molt his own protective shell from time to time. This releasing of the shell is a physical reaction to their own growth, they have simply outgrown their own container. Time to move on. The crab doesn’t move though in a straight line, but circumvents side to side, in a very similar arc to the Moon herself. If you look at the Moon and her phases, you will see as she waxes her light grows slowly from right to left, and this cyclical process reverses as she wanes. Like the Moon, the crab possesses an intuitive wisdom, anticipating danger, seeking security. The Moon represents our need for safety and understands what we need to feel nourished. The crab too knows when it must defend, when it must retreat, and when it is time to move on and let it go. 

This is the final lunation in Capricorn, when the Moon opposes her own temple. It speaks to our own personal realization to let go to continue to grow. This final Capricorn Full Moon ushers in the wisdom to encourage us to molt, to leave the secure comforts of one phase so we can evolve further up our own mountain. The symbolic mascot of Capricorn is the sea-goat or the goat fish, reminding us that to achieve personal goals in the material realm we must also be able to navigate the other side, our own emotional realm. Capricorn is symbolic for achievement, having the capacity to summit a mountain, whether it be a career goal or a spiritual peak, we must always begin at the base and make the approach, within the climb we will shed certain phases that weigh us down, rather than help us progress.

I spent years climbing mountains, and these were long days, often beginning in the middle of night to avoid summit afternoon thunderstorms. The last place you wanted to be was on the side of a mountain, cloaked in metal climbing gear, with lighting dancing around the granite. Starting the approach in darkness is similar to how we commence our own goals, slowly the morning light begins to kiss the horizon, we set aside our headlights and use true sight to traverse forward. Never is the path perfectly straight, but we encounter switchback after switchback, moving like the crab or goat, sometimes at a nauseating rate. Will we ever actually get to the base of the real summit, the direct line that takes us to our final destination? The sea-goat knows this is the only path forward to reaching any goal, set aside the uncontrolled emotions, discard any unrelated feelings of discomfort, and commit fully to the goal. No turning back, and one must let go of where they have been, all that matters is where they are going, up. 

Jupiter and Venus sit in a gentle sextile aspect on the day of this lunation, blessing us on this journey. Are you able to receive the supportive wisdom headed your way?

We reach the direct line, we see the route, we begin to set our gear, the final ascent begins. Mercury shockingly receives Uranus’ lighting bolt rays. New information is floating through the ether, revealing some sudden revelations. We may have to think fast, shift gears, find a plan B on this day. Perhaps the way up the mountain is blocked by an unforeseen rock slide, we must find another route. Be adaptable like the crab, industrious like the sea-goat, changeable as both.

Mars and Pluto aspect one another through a trine, the power and the will to transmute is blessed by the gods. Mars has the drive and action to uncover hidden paths, reveal buried treasures. Secret doors discovered. 

The Lion King

We set the new path to the top, the Sun rises with the summit, and with our final traverse on the ridge, we feel renewed and in a sense released. The Sun, the King, moves into his home sign of Leo as the crowning achievement on July 22, and immediately opposes Pluto, the death god. We know that we must finally kill off any aspect of ourself that is not committed to the next step of growth. Whatever is blocking your own rays from fully being illuminated, whatever is deactivating your own animating energy, must be shed. Let it molt in the hot rays of the Leo Sun. The Sun in Leo is the regal lion assuming his throne, he can overcome. 


Paradox of Virgo


Spikehorn Meyer