Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon

The New Moon in Cancer sits at 14 degrees, Jupiter’s exalatation degree, and is bookended by two Capricorn Full Moons. The Moon, the ruling queen of Cancer, is right at home when she touches her king, the Sun. Together the two luminaries mark a new cycle, but a cycle influenced by Saturn, the ruler of both Full Moons on June 21 and July 21st.

I spoke of this New Moon briefly in my Cancer Season post, and even threw some tarot cards for the season. Oddly enough, or not, I threw an inverted 3 of Cups in reflection to this New Moon in Cancer. What is quite interesting is the degree of the New Moon, 14 degrees, which is directly associated with this tarot card. I would like to dive a little deeper into the 3 of Cups and its relation to this Cancer New Moon specifically.

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