Final Scramble Out of Cancer Season

Final Scramble Out of Cancer Season

Cancer Season is winding down, but it does not dive quietly into the zodiac sea. On the last day of Cancer Season, July 21, we get a handful of impactful transits, including the second Capricorn Full Moon. Reminder, we bookended Cancer Season with the opening Capricorn Full Moon, June 21 and now we cap it with a second and final Capricorn Full Moon at the 29th degree. What makes this blue Full Moon even more intriguing is that it is essentially paired with Pluto. On July 22, as Leo Season opens, the Sun in Leo will oppose Pluto. Other intriguing transits on July 21: Uranus will square Mercury in Leo, Jupiter and Venus gently aspect one another, Mars and Pluto meet through a trine. Each aspect is not in a vacuum, but further paint a more complex picture of this full Moon lunation.

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