Full Moon in Aquarius
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

Full Moon in Aquarius

The Moon is fully illuminated in Aquarius, backed by multiple planetary transits supporting this new gnosis.

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Mercury Enters Virgo
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

Mercury Enters Virgo

Mercury enters Virgo on the 28th of July and will remain until October 5th. Mercury has now returned to his home sign where he not only has rulership, but also exaltation. In other words, Mercury does very well here, has all the required power to get the mercurial task done.

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7.17.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

7.17.23 Moon Tracks

This New Moon in Cancer is more of a clearing the rooms of our heart to make space for potting more sustainable people and activities that nurture our environment.

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7.10.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

7.10.23 Moon Tracks

July 10th, many planets make moves across the planetary chessboard. This week’s Moon-day Musings will connect your nervous system to all the subtle and not-so-subtle shifts in the heavens.

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7.3.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

7.3.23 Moon Tracks

This week really focuses around three transits, all communicating from Cancer, the temple of the Moon. An active week begins with a Full Moon in Capricorn on the 3rd of July, on the 6th, Mercury in Cancer aspects Uranus in Taurus through an easy going sextile, and on the 9th, Mercury intuitively transmits to Neptune in a beneficial trine.

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6.26.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

6.26.23 Moon Tracks

This week begins with a dynamic bang supported by a First Quarter Moon in Libra on Monday, June 26th. The week closes out on a much more insightful and softer note.

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Solar Musing
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

Solar Musing

Summer Solstice is a turning point in the year. A point of pause and reflection.

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06.12.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

06.12.23 Moon Tracks

Saturn in Pisces in general is seeking to filter out fact from fiction, healthy from toxic, and spirit versus material. During this retrograde period all of this may be on the table. If we are seeking to level up in terms of our spiritual notions, crossroads and quests may rise up to meet you.

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5.29.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

5.29.23 Moon Tracks

“Yes, it seems the stars never stop cycling through one transit to another. It is true, they don’t. Writing these weekly muses, one theme keeps pushing forward within the transits, filteration. Ground your vison and grow it in a nurturing environmnent that feeds your physical and spiritual body. This year is asking us to filter out the unnecessary toxins that drag us down on all levels, and to clear the fields for sustainable nourishment. Pull those weeds.”

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5.08.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

5.08.23 Moon Tracks

This week’s mantra, “It was joy that began the cycle, and it will be joy that I will take across the finish line.”

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5.01.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

5.01.23 Moon Tracks

Week opens on Beltane, mid-way point to Summer and brings a Mercury cazimi, Pluto retrograde and a final Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Scorpio on the 5th. Palpable currents are moving under our feet.

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Taurus I- 0-9 Degrees
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

Taurus I- 0-9 Degrees

Taurus I- 0-9 degrees: Taurus season opens up to both luminaries squaring Pluto, and Mercury turning retrograde. Taurus season, ruled by beloved Venus, is a point where the light has returned, optimism and hope is high. The shadow to hope is anxiety and fear to getting everything properly started, making sure it is correct in exchange for fruitful rewards. Like most gardens during the early spring season, they are slow to show signs of real growth. A sprout here, a tulip there, but any gardener knows patience is required to really see early hardwork’s progress.

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4.17.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

4.17.23 Moon Tracks

Depending on your location, a hybrid Solar Eclipse in the sign of Aries will occur on the 19th or 20th. This is followed quickly by both luminaries squaring Pluto and a Mercury retrograde.

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