Paradox of Virgo
Virgo Season Molly Curtis Virgo Season Molly Curtis

Paradox of Virgo

Virgo Season is the call to our inner anchor. Dry, mutable, earth. Virgo hosts the turning of summer, and in turn our own quieting of spirit. Within her season we see bounty of the earth, but also the harvest. We still feel the heat of the dry pulsing Sun, and yet know even this fading fast. Virgo possesses a paradox. This is the haunt of Virgo placements, wanting to expand and contract all at the same time, often creating a very real anxiety. Full of life and aware of death.

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Final Scramble Out of Cancer Season

Final Scramble Out of Cancer Season

Cancer Season is winding down, but it does not dive quietly into the zodiac sea. On the last day of Cancer Season, July 21, we get a handful of impactful transits, including the second Capricorn Full Moon. Reminder, we bookended Cancer Season with the opening Capricorn Full Moon, June 21 and now we cap it with a second and final Capricorn Full Moon at the 29th degree. What makes this blue Full Moon even more intriguing is that it is essentially paired with Pluto. On July 22, as Leo Season opens, the Sun in Leo will oppose Pluto. Other intriguing transits on July 21: Uranus will square Mercury in Leo, Jupiter and Venus gently aspect one another, Mars and Pluto meet through a trine. Each aspect is not in a vacuum, but further paint a more complex picture of this full Moon lunation.

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Spikehorn Meyer

Spikehorn Meyer

Spikehorn Meyer, born with his natal Sun conjunct Uranus, July 15, 1870. We celebrate his 154th birthday as Mars and Uranus conjoin today, July 15, 2024. This is an exploration of a Uranian figure who was forever encouraged by the revolutionary planet, and as well as the inciting planet Mars. Explore a little Michigan history through astrology. He is also my great-great-great uncle.

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Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon

The New Moon in Cancer sits at 14 degrees, Jupiter’s exalatation degree, and is bookended by two Capricorn Full Moons. The Moon, the ruling queen of Cancer, is right at home when she touches her king, the Sun. Together the two luminaries mark a new cycle, but a cycle influenced by Saturn, the ruler of both Full Moons on June 21 and July 21st.

I spoke of this New Moon briefly in my Cancer Season post, and even threw some tarot cards for the season. Oddly enough, or not, I threw an inverted 3 of Cups in reflection to this New Moon in Cancer. What is quite interesting is the degree of the New Moon, 14 degrees, which is directly associated with this tarot card. I would like to dive a little deeper into the 3 of Cups and its relation to this Cancer New Moon specifically.

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Gaia’s Ghost Ships

Gaia’s Ghost Ships

Saturn will remain retrograde until November 15, 2024, where it will station direct at 12 degrees. Neptune will remain retrograde until December 7, 2024, where it will station direct at 27 degrees. Both planets retrograding in Pisces are like the ghost ships dropping anchor, dredging the floor of the soul, and kicking back whispers from the shadowlands. Consider Saturn’s sickle making tiny micro-cuts into your deepest fears, disillusions, and wounds. The sickle, like the anchor, stirs and releases the seabed of spirits and shadows in the soul’s oceanfloor. This act which can inflict immense discomfort also is an act of purification. The bloodletting of these retrogrades may be just what you need to purge, heal, and unite the spirit to heart. From here, we can pull anchor, purify the Piscean sea and let our ghosts set sail once and for all.

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Good Fortune Gemini

Good Fortune Gemini

Gemini rests on the fulcrum of light and dark, and Mercury the psychopomp loves to journey the realms of night and day, swimming on the surface and diving deeper into the abyss, rising up to the highest point of the xenith and then descending to the underworld. The building of planets in this mutable temple, especially the two benefic planets, have us exploring these internal realms within ourself and at the same time providing us with the perfect big picture insight to negotiate what is best for our mind and relationships.

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Zeus Takes Flight
Jupiter Enters Gemini Molly Curtis Jupiter Enters Gemini Molly Curtis

Zeus Takes Flight

May 25th, Jupiter enters the sign of Gemini, joining the Sun and hot on the heels of Venus who also entered shortly after the Full Moon. The two benefics ride into this masculine air sign, a sign of curiosity, mental stimulation, passionate conversation. Zeus has moved out of the fixed, solid earth of Taurus, where land was king and there was a universal understanding to what worked and what didn’t. Anything that wasn’t useful, sustainable, of value was discarded, and all that did feed and nourish was fed exponentially. 

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Jupiter’s Grand Finale

Jupiter’s Grand Finale

The house of Taurus is ripe for sustained growth, and ready to endure all you have been building. Jupiter and the Sun together shine a bright spotlight calling your goals and visions home. As both the Sun and Jupiter move through the final degrees of Taurus together, they are asking you to bring it on home. 

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Garden New Moon

Garden New Moon

May 7, 2024, we get a New Moon in the sign of Taurus, a fixed earth sign, ruled by Venus. The Moon in Taurus holds a royal place of exaltation in this zodiac sign, the lunar luminary holds court here. This New Moon is earthy, Venusian, and focused on more nuanced meaning and values. It encourages us to slow our life down, asks us to add more qualitative time elements to our Taurus garden sector in our chart. 

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Eclipsed Saturn Return

Eclipsed Saturn Return

Logan Paul was born with both the Sun and Moon in Aries, and the most recent total eclipse in Aries, April 8th hit right over his natal New Moon and the eclipse crossed right over his birth home, Cleveland. This eclipse over both of his luminaries can symbolize a darkening of his own light, a fall from grace if you will. 

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Fixed Water, Full Moon

Fixed Water, Full Moon

Light and water flow in one direction under this Full Moon in Scorpio. This Full Moon occurs in the fixed water sign of Scorpio, picture a river that only flows in one direction. Prior to the perfection of the Full Moon, the Moon squares Pluto in the fixed sign of Aquarius. In astrology, this is considered transference of light. The Moon gathers the energy of Pluto in Aquarius and brings it forth into the full refraction of the Full Moon, further coloring planetary energy of this transit.

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Dynamism, DragonFire & Cheerios

Dynamism, DragonFire & Cheerios

Astrologically, Uranus can signal a revolution, a breakthrough, a great disruption that jumps the current track and switches direction. Uranus is associated with Prometheus, the bringer of fire to the people, providing a “God” technology to the earthly human. Uranus, the disruptor switches tracks. Jupiter is symbolically associated with law, wisdom, courts and magistrates, it points to values, ethics, and morals. Jupiter seeks to expand and amplify. Jupiter is coined the greater benefic, known for great blessings and fortune. When the two planets come together in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, we may see an explosion of new innovative technology especially in the realm of mundane matters like the food industry, the stock market, environmental concerns, and public health. This is a combination of dynamism.

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The Crone At The Temple

The Crone At The Temple

Intuitively, I began internally conversing with my borderline future crone, the one whom I know is on the rise as much as I don’t care to acknowledge. Pluto represents death and the underworld, as well as plowing nutrient-deficient fields that are suffering from degraded soil health. The Crone, an archetype of the aging woman who has slipped out of her maiden years and now is approaching the last leg of her journey, is a sacred image as a woman. She reminds us of the impending end, but can also possess a repository of extensive wisdom, intuition and insight. She asks us for sacrifices, but gives us heightened sense of life and if we are really listening, messages from beyond. She is the qualitative aspect of quantitative time.

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Probing the Sun
Eclipse Season, Aries Solar Eclipse Molly Curtis Eclipse Season, Aries Solar Eclipse Molly Curtis

Probing the Sun

Aries Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024 explored along with the week's planetary transits. From CERN to NASA to your own Sun's desires, this is a dynamic week of tectonic plates of the world, inner and outer, shifting. There is a lot of action on April 8th, and it speaks to new initiating new ideas, new paths, new projects, but there are also hiccups and shadows to deal with. Moving forward is the name of the game with New Moons, but the real action comes at the first quarter. This eclipse is setting the wheels in motion, or launching the rockets into the air, but the first real check will be April 10th when Mars and Saturn meet, Saturn sets a sound barrier to Mars’ launch and holds it hostage. Saturn and Mercury retrograde are both asking for you to apply sound wisdom and to slow it down. On April 11th, Mercury steps back further into the heart of the Sun and we can mine this wisdom here on that day, you may find that the information you are seeking is found during the cazimi, this is a moment of hidden insight.

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Astrological New Year
Spring Equinox, Aries Ingress, 2 of Wands, Tarot Molly Curtis Spring Equinox, Aries Ingress, 2 of Wands, Tarot Molly Curtis

Astrological New Year

Spring begins late on the eve of March 19th at 11:07 pm est. The Sun shifts out of Pisces and into Aries. This is the beginning of the solar new year in the northern hemisphere. The Sun has traveled through the entire zodiac, enduring the final death throes of winter as he swam through the Piscean waters that holds equally to the dark and light, winter and spring. Light has prevailed. Aries season commences and we begin again. Renewed, recharged, rearmed and blissfully hopped up on straight shots of Vitamin D. 

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The Muse of Tori Amos

The Muse of Tori Amos

Tori was made for the stage, she incarnated to perform. It was written in the stars, it was the light from another dimension dancing in her toddler’s eyes, speaking directly to heart and to her fingers. Yet it wasn’t just performance for entertainment sake, but the performance was and is an expression for the more subterranean, illusive moments of life that stir, bubble, crack, rise and seek to expel.

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