1.16.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

1.16.23 Moon Tracks

As the Moon moves deeper toward her balsamic phase in Sagittarius, the Sun itself gets blotted out as he meets the Lord of the Underworld, Pluto, by conjunction. This intensification can be felt on a very real, mundane level in Capricorn. The ground under our own feet may feel the burning of these two merging. This is the interplay of light and shadow, what we crave and what we really need, burning obsessions may surface and we may find ourselves either struggling to fight back or fully going in.

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1.09.23 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

1.09.23 Moon Tracks

In waning light, the Moon in Libra squares off with the Sun. The ruler of this Last Quarter Moon, Venus, squares off with Uranus the same day. What radical love will you show yourself, show others? How can you promote healing from within first to radiate outwards, in attempt to thread the needle that sews the seams of humanity tighter. This is what we disseminate to those around us, the deeper beautiful truths that aren’t always there at first glance, that lurk just under the shadowy fears we project. This is where peace is found.

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12.26.22 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

12.26.22 Moon Tracks

A holiday hangover, Luna seeks solitude amongst the masses, looking to gather herself after the parties, the tinsel, the festive frenzy. She finds comfort among Saturn’s high walls even just for a day.

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Winter Solstice
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice is the turning point, the darkness reaches peak blackout and the Sun prepares to slowly return to the Earth and hold the light a little longer each day.

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12.12.22 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

12.12.22 Moon Tracks

This week we move into the last quarter moon in Virgo, which leads into the balsamic phase. This is a darkening, or a falling apart of the lunar cycle. It is here where we go into a more yin nature, a quieting. Introspective as the light fades, the work is done. We can now sit and reflect on what has been. This week also marks the last real week of the northern hemispheres own darkening, each night blacker, longer than the night before. Even this will reach an end, peaking on Winter Solstice.

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12.05.22 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

12.05.22 Moon Tracks

This week is heavily colored by the Full Moon in Gemini on December 8th. This lunation phase is brought to you by Mercury, and Mercury is making some interesting moves. Mars retrograde in Gemini also has a few illluminating words to say in the week.

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11.28.22 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

11.28.22 Moon Tracks

Greater perspective is needed now, a reminder that others may try to push us in other directions, or take us off track. Be kind and tempered in the next week, this is a point of maturation.

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11.21.22 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

11.21.22 Moon Tracks

The week opens with the Moon moving into her fall in Scorpio. The last time she visited Scorpio, there were many shadows to face and slay as eclipse season began.

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11.7.22 Moon Tracks
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

11.7.22 Moon Tracks

We are now at the point in the story where we have to set the jewels in a new ring band that we are contracting with. If we commit, are we happy with the setting? No exceptions this time, you ask for it all. We will not repeat the same mistake twice.

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Full Moon In Aries
Molly Curtis Molly Curtis

Full Moon In Aries

The more you turn, you eventually circle back to the issue, having to face the elephant in the room.

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